Episode 0: Welcome! (Teaser)

January 21, 2021 00:07:59
Episode 0: Welcome! (Teaser)
Does This Make Me Look Old?
Episode 0: Welcome! (Teaser)

Jan 21 2021 | 00:07:59


Show Notes

Our origin story - why we wanted to start this podcast!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:03 Hi, and welcome to does this make me local, a podcast about aging as gracefully as possible when you're just not ready for two 40 something year old friends will find themselves kind of straddling that really odd period of time when aging and everything that is associated with is starting to become a much bigger part of our lives. We're definitely curious, but at the same time, rather terrified about aging. I'm Schiff. I'm a health science nerd and pop culture themes, and I'm sin and adult and weighting obsessed with finance and self-help books. We're going to be talking about the stereotypes of aging and how they affect us. And we'll also be doing some deeper dives into some interesting topics, such as what it's like to get old in the society dating when you're older and scientific advancements in anti-aging products and even evolution in scientific thinking around aging and throughout it all we chat rant laugh about or adulting mishaps of which there are so, so, so many. So join us as we navigate our second quarter-life crisis. This is the trailer episode for our podcast. Does this make me look old? And it's basically a podcast with two friends who are going to be talking about aging and not so gracefully or trying to age gracefully. Yes. So basically it's just going to be two people who are going to be talking about navigating time. Um, it sounds so futuristic, Katie we're seriously. We're like space travelers. <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:01:49 want it to be a space traveler. I did. I really do. And the funny thing is, is that like, I, I was so upset because I wanted to be an ass. I, I totally want it to be an astronaut when I was younger. And then, uh, but the problem was, was that I, um, I wear glasses and, and I get motion sick. And I remember like in the eighties there was like this big, like there were all these like science programs about being an astronaut. And when I was little, I was like, Oh, I want to be one of those. But then I saw one of those, um, things that they strap everybody to, to see whether or not they can handle zero gravity, the ones that like, and you are not one of those people. Yeah. I knew I was not going to be one of those people. I was like, yep, well that's out. Speaker 0 00:02:36 But then I guess I didn't go that far. My fantasy extended to just being a member on star Trek to travel through space and time till they actually traveled through time sometimes. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I guess technically we're all traveling through space and time. Yeah, yeah. I suppose so. I know, I didn't mean to get deep <inaudible> that's too funny. Wait a minute. I don't understand. So you wanted to be on star Trek, like real life, or like on the show in real life. Did she ever have like a fantasy like that, that these things would be real? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. My fantasies were weirder. I remember I always, I had these weird Victorian fantasies. Like for some reason I wanted to like live in Sherlock Holmes times. I have no idea why anyway, there <inaudible> no. Okay. No, no. Speaker 0 00:03:51 Getting back to the topic, this is a problem where you have tangents tangents are our problem. Lots of tangents. Um, but yeah. So, so maybe background of how this thing started. Um, it was essentially, I think the fact that we're very similar in our, I look at life. I look, yeah, I would say that. Yeah. And I think it was like one of those things where I feel like you and I are probably, you know, more similar in the sense that, you know, we never felt, um, that we necessarily wanted to March at the same pace to a lot of our contemporaries. Do you do that? Like, you know, there were some situations where now, or even few years ago, or I think we've been friends for about 10 years now, but we've always, either felt too young in some situations or too old in some situations, and this could be the dating scene. Speaker 0 00:04:51 It could have been the work scene, uh, friendships, so societal expectations. And so we've always kind of had granting sessions, I suppose, right. About, uh, always being an outlier in some situations. And so I think last year, at some point we were like, you know what, we need to talk about this because we cannot be the only two people who feel this, this was kind of born of an out of an outlet to just want to like rant about it a little and discuss, I think the main thing is the fact that we're, we need to discuss, because I feel like, um, on one hand, which is nothing but a number of our, so we told yeah, not true. And at the other end, um, you know, everything seems to also in some ways be defined by the number, like hitting certain milestones, making sure you behave a certain way, think a certain way. Speaker 0 00:05:49 Yeah. You weren't even have life figured out by a certain time. Like yeah. Because, and especially as women, I think that that becomes more of an issue. You know, your fertility is like kind of defined by a certain age and you know, and like, and maybe some people haven't gotten it figured out by that time. And what does that mean? And I have stories around that. So we just go into fertility <inaudible> yeah. And like the other part, and the other thing that happened was that like, you know, you were approaching a milestone birthday, shut off. Clearly you haven't gotten over <inaudible> as most people approach milestone birthdays. They do go through a little bit of, you know, like a reevaluation of life. And, and I find that like a lot of people who are talking about aging are often talking about it kind of in a very like new agey way. Like, Oh, this is how you age gracefully and healthfully. And that is not kill me. That is not what we are about. <inaudible>. So our podcast is basically going to be dealing with approaching life at a certain stage in ours and, um, kind of muddling our way through and seeing my mother all the time. <inaudible> I don't anticipate outgrowing it anytime soon, but yes, you're right. The next few episodes we'll sort of tackle the ideas that we're going to tackle a topic and discuss our viewpoint, invite some experts and also our friends and family and any other interesting person. Yeah. If you're interested then, uh, come and join us on it. <inaudible>.

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