Season 2, Episode 3: How Aging Has Been Depicted in Media

Episode 3 January 26, 2022 01:00:58
Season 2, Episode 3: How Aging Has Been Depicted in Media
Does This Make Me Look Old?
Season 2, Episode 3: How Aging Has Been Depicted in Media

Jan 26 2022 | 01:00:58


Show Notes

And we’re back with a raspy-voiced take on a theme borrowed from the popular Sex and the City reboot, And Just Like That, something we’ll be doing over the next few weeks. 

So first off, let’s get this out of the way: ranting was definitely involved (a common occurrence in many of our episodes!). We reflect on what bearing pop culture has on society - how it reflects the way society changes over time. We share which pop culture references really bug us (hint: Christian Grey and vampires - it’s a bit about the plot, a bit about the writing, and we equate a certain book with a really badly written English report. Trust us - we get passionate this week!)

And then we’ll get back on track….SQUIRREL!

But jokes aside, this week we delve into how media has portrayed Sex and the City’s leading ladies (Charlotte, Miranda, Carrie) aging twenty years, and what does this say about how media typically expects us to see aged women. And FULL DISCLAIMER - There are spoilers! We chat about hair color (or lack thereof), on-trend and age-appropriate fashion, the late great Betty White, menopause, naming jewelry and purses, Seinfeld, gender diversity, and more. So check out this week’s episode, and let us know what you think! 

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