Season 2, Episode 4: And Just Like That - Health Issues

Episode 4 February 02, 2022 01:04:33
Season 2, Episode 4: And Just Like That - Health Issues
Does This Make Me Look Old?
Season 2, Episode 4: And Just Like That - Health Issues

Feb 02 2022 | 01:04:33


Show Notes

Tonight we’re going to talk about health issues in our 50s as depicted in….you guessed it - the Sex and the City reboot, And Just Like That!

We’ll touch on (SPOILER ALERT) Big’s death from a heart attack after over-exerting himself on a Peloton and how we’re not a big fan of Carrie’s reaction. Instead of just cradling him and crying, why couldn’t Carrie have administered him his heart medication??? IT’S A LEARNING OPPORTUNITY, PEOPLE! After all, it wasn’t Big’s first heart attack, so you think they both would have known what to do. She didn’t even call 911 or perform CPR. WTF?  (On that note, learn how to do CPR. It’s important! “Stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive….”).

Then, there’s Carrie’s hip surgery. On the one hand, the show shows the trials and tribulations people go through with hip surgery (it’s no walk in the park). On the other hand, we’re annoyed that her surgery is attributed solely to congenital hip disorder. Don’t get us wrong - there’s no shame in having the condition (Shiv has the same thing) but why could they just embrace that Carrie was having hip surgery due to regular aging? Why attribute it to something other than age? Is it because it’s considered an “old lady” surgery? Is it ageism?

There are moments where the producers did get it right, though, and addressed issues that come with aging and independence. We’ll touch on those as well. That and sore knees and frozen shoulders. And heels and menopause. And Carrie and Anthony’s trip to the plastic surgeon. There’s never a dull moment in our podcast!

What do you think about how Big’s heart attack and Carrie’s surgery were handled? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:06 Hi, and welcome to season two of does this make me look old, a podcast about aging as gracefully as possible when you're just not ready or too Speaker 2 00:00:14 Middle aged friends, one middle-aged friend and one friend who seems to be diluted about her age, who wants to discuss topics around aging as they're starting to become more relevant to us, whether one wants to admit that to themselves or not. Speaker 1 00:00:29 Yes, well I'm SIM and anthropologist at heart Dory from finding Nemo in spirit and basically never going to be the type to Everett, Speaker 2 00:00:38 Maybe to be moved. And I'm sure a physician interested in the science and medicine around aging, but also interested in how society and the media look at aging. And if that means that I have to take the hit by reading gossip, blogs to find out I will do so Speaker 1 00:00:51 This season, we channel our love for pop culture and learning and talk about shows, books, people, everything, all through the lens of getting over. Speaker 2 00:01:00 We'll be covering topics such as how sexuality changes as you age aging as a disease and even how sex and the city approaches aging. Now that Carrie is in her fifties Speaker 1 00:01:09 Throughout it all. We chat Lance and laugh, but our own adult illness. Speaker 2 00:01:14 So join us as we navigate our second quarter-life crisis. Speaker 3 00:01:20 Hi, and welcome to an episode of, does this make me look old? I am shin as I'm sure everyone can tell because of my continually raspy voice. And I am joined by saying, hello. Speaker 4 00:01:35 I, I have my high pitched voice still, but I will try and lower my register to sound as sexy a shift does. Speaker 3 00:01:45 I don't think I sound sexy at all. Speaker 4 00:01:47 It's like one 900 number Speaker 3 00:01:55 Interrupted by like coughing fits, which is super sexy. Speaker 4 00:02:02 I'm sure in some alien culture, it might be Speaker 3 00:02:05 Maybe, maybe that's possible. Speaker 4 00:02:07 That would actually be fun. Like if there's a light for him out there in the galaxy and, and they interpret the cough as that's an attractive sound. Speaker 3 00:02:18 Ah, it's too funny. Then I would provide them with many minutes of like, what would it be like radio porn? I don't know podcasts. Speaker 4 00:02:32 Well, if it's true, he'd be like hours of it, you know, but, but it's it's um, but your cough and your voice and, you know, ties in very nicely with what we are going to talk about today. Speaker 3 00:02:47 Yes. Yes. So in keeping with what we were talking about last week, which was the new sex and the city reboot and just like that. So last week we said that we were going to be kind of covering topics that seem to be better are basically brought up in, in the reboot themes that are, that we can kind of notice like between each episode. And what we're going to be talking about today is health issues in your, I guess like for, for the women, like in your fifties that were brought up in just like that. Speaker 4 00:03:22 And men, Speaker 3 00:03:23 I think, oh yeah, no, we're going to talk about like, yeah. The men, because some of it is going to be around the men. Well, mainly the main issue, which was like, and spoiler alert, if you haven't watched and just like that, you can like pause this and go and watch it. Or, you know, maybe you don't care about the spar spoilers. Speaker 4 00:03:42 Yeah. But having said that, if they haven't watched, if people out there haven't watched it yet, they're not really going to Speaker 3 00:03:51 Yeah. That's yeah. Possibly, possibly, I don't know. Who knows. Maybe, maybe what we talk about will like, you know, foster an interest in like the new sex in the city reboot. Speaker 4 00:04:01 Yeah. Those, those wouldn't be my kind of people because they don't mind spoilers. Speaker 3 00:04:07 I, you know what, I don't care about spoilers. Yeah. I've never cared about, Speaker 4 00:04:13 I love reading about spoilers ahead of time. I need to be prepared. Speaker 3 00:04:18 Yeah. Like I figured that like, it's more about the, like, I like just knowing the plot points, doesn't spoil anything for me because it's the journey about getting to that plot point. So like spoilers have never really bothered me. Like, unless it's something now, unless it's something like, there's a big twist. So like, for example, like if it was something like the sixth sense, then yes. I would not want to be spoiled for that because you don't want to be like, oh, by the way, like, and I guess here I'll have to spoil the sixth sense. Like the whole time, you know, don't spoil that for me. But like, like otherwise, like if somebody spoils like this TB, like, you know, if somebody, if I hadn't watched him just like that and somebody spoiled the TV show for me, it wouldn't wreck my enjoyment of it in any way. Speaker 4 00:05:04 No. And in fact, for me in general, it doesn't spoil like spoilers don't impact me similar to, you know what you're saying? It's like, I kind of like knowing, because especially like I'm the type of person who often will read the last page of a book. Speaker 3 00:05:21 Oh. That I don't do. I don't think I've ever read the last page of a book. Speaker 4 00:05:24 'cause you know what, if you read just the last page often, you don't actually know what happened because it's very like, you know, Speaker 3 00:05:34 Oh no, you would never, I don't think you'd be able to figure out Speaker 4 00:05:37 We'll be able to, you won't be able to, but the way they write off the finishing a paragraph or something. Yeah. It kind of lets me know if it's gracefully done, you know? And so I kind of then think, okay, it seems worth it to, you know? Yeah. But for me, I think like I've never been impacted too much by like, you know, I'm not one of those people get, gets mad if things get spoiled for me. But um, in the case of lost, I don't know if you remember that show, oh God Speaker 3 00:06:12 Don't even get me started. I'm post. Speaker 4 00:06:15 I'm really sorry that you remember the show. I really wish I had known how crappy the last season was going to be and how to be, because then I would not have wasted six years of my life on that show. And back then I did invest six years, six, you know? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:06:40 I invested, I don't think I invested that much time because what ended up happening is I think I F I got into lost, close to the end, so I ended up like, so I ended up streaming. Oh yeah. So like, why, I guess it's not technically streaming, but you know how you could like download episodes on like torrents and stuff like that and watch them that way. So then I ended up watching all the episodes that way. And Speaker 4 00:07:04 Not that you did anything illegal back then, I'm just saying no, Speaker 3 00:07:07 No. Yeah. It was all above board. Speaker 4 00:07:10 You just got the DVD set somehow. Speaker 3 00:07:15 Yeah. And so they binged them and then I just watched the last season, so I didn't waste. Yeah. I didn't end up having to waste like very much time, but I mean, it's still, it felt like a waste of time. Cause you were just like what? Speaker 4 00:07:34 The same number of hours? Yes. Over a shorter period. So it was even more intense. Speaker 3 00:07:40 Yeah. Well, yeah. So can you imagine when you watch it in like that short a period of time and you're like, this must be, this must build to something. This means something. And then you find, Speaker 4 00:07:50 I still can't get over it. The thing is, I think what annoys me the most is that I quite enjoyed the last episode, but for me it was a, where are they now? Kind of an episode. Speaker 3 00:08:05 And I think I got lulled. I think when I first watched the episode, I got lulled into the warm coziness of a, where are they now? And then, and then I was like, oh, actually it didn't end that badly. But then when you think about it, you're like, no, actually it did end upon Speaker 4 00:08:20 This was, this was them trying to just make up for the shittiest season ever. And the fact that they were not going to give us an answer for anything. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:08:29 I think it's because he had no answer. He didn't know where it was going to go. So they just like shut Speaker 4 00:08:34 Up and he was like, oh, I was so mad. Speaker 3 00:08:36 Oh no, but you know what? I think that game of Thrones was worse than Speaker 4 00:08:41 Lost a hundred percent. Like at Speaker 3 00:08:44 Least, at least the journey lost was like, I feel like the journey. Yeah. Game of Thrones got destroyed somehow. Like I feel like within like the last couple of seasons, it's like, it got derailed and then it was just like a shit show at the end. Speaker 4 00:09:01 I'm sorry. At the end it felt like they were not even trying anymore on game of Thrones. Oh yeah. Like the whole debacle of the fight scene where it was so dark. Do you remember we were at, um, your partner's place at the time. This was before you guys moved in together and we were watching and we're like, oh my God, is something wrong with the TV? Like what's going on? It's so dark. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:09:26 Right. And it wasn't, it wasn't just run with the TV. Speaker 4 00:09:30 Yeah. They just whatever. And then they had the audacity to say, well, you should have adjusted your TV. Well, you shouldn't have announced it ahead of time. If that was what you wanted us to do Speaker 3 00:09:43 At that point, they didn't care about the audience at all. They were just like, let's just get through this so that we can go and get our names. Speaker 4 00:09:48 Totally felt, felt like that. And then the Starbucks cup, which at that point, it was funny. But then at the last episode they had water bottles underneath. No one was talking about that. I don't understand why because Speaker 3 00:10:06 No, no. I think people did mention the water bottles, but I think there was so yeah. Yeah, they did. Yeah. Cause like I still remember articles about like all of the problems in some of those last episodes and the water bottles showed up. But like, um, yeah, so there was water bottles, but I think there was so many agregious things in that last episode that there was too much to talk about. There was too much crap to talk about for that episode. It was just like, they screwed this up and that up and that up the water balls was the least of it. Speaker 4 00:10:37 Yes. That is very true. I mean Searcy and Jamie, like really that the most badass woman in the show and that is the ending you're giving her really? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:10:51 Really? Do you mean Brianna? No. Don't you mean man? Oh, you mean Searcy. Okay. I did. Brianne was the same thing though. Speaker 4 00:10:58 When was the same thing? Yeah, no sir. Okay. Is it weird if I say I kind of really liked her, I just loved it. It was like delicious, evil, like a, like a Disney show, Half expected to be the human version of Maleficent, you know? Speaker 3 00:11:21 Yeah, exactly. That's true. Anyway, all this to say that we are not, yeah. Both of us do not care about spoilers, but we apologized for people who are, you know, spoiler, phobic. Um, but anyway, so all of that rant, just to say that we're going to be talking about the health issue, that was a big tangent then nothing to do with the health thing to do with and just like that or sex in the city. But yes. So today we're going to be talking about health issues on and just like that. So speaking of agregious issues, let's start with the big one, no pun intended or no pun intended. I can't decide. Anyway, so yeah. So yeah. So let's talk about the major one, which, I mean, I had a huge problem with, I remember, oh my God. Yeah. Okay. Which was like big step. Speaker 3 00:12:28 So, okay. I have no issues with the fact that big died of a heart attack. Heart attacks are quite common in like, you know, this age range. Um, you know, and of course like he still smoking. Was he smoking? He was smoking a cigar wasn't he? I feel like he was smoking a cigar. I can't imagine big without a cigar in any of his TV shows. I feel like he probably was. Yeah. Anyway, I can't tell you which character it was. Yeah. So, okay. So I apologize if he's actually stopped smoking and I have like imagined him smoking a cigar, but anyway, so, you know, he dies after having had like this massive like Peloton workout and, and then, um, yeah, and he has a heart attack. No problem with that. I have no problem with that plot point that like, it, it fits with, uh, you know, it kind of fits because he had a heart attack in the past. Speaker 3 00:13:22 People have had heart attacks in the past are more prone to them in the future, you know? And uh, you know, it was w he, um, he, he, it was after exertion. I don't know what health status he was in. Maybe he wasn't in great shape, maybe, you know, like, so is it possible that he wasn't in great shape, but then doing this like really like strenuous workout when you shouldn't have been, you know, that I'm not sure about, but whatever, but it's possible, right? Like the character of big could potentially die of a heart attack. But like, I think what annoyed me so much about this part of it, even though I know it's a plot point in order to get the character of Carrie into the rest of the show, in order to show kind of like what her life is as a woman in her mid fifties, like post big, um, like my issue with it was the fact that he's sitting there dying of like, you know, a massive coronary and all she can do is freaking cradle him and cry over the fact that like, he's dying. Speaker 3 00:14:31 Like, no, like this could have been this, this is what annoys me is that it could have been like, uh, it could have been an educational moment. Like for sure if he had a heart attack, he had like access to nitroglycerin. They probably had aspirin in the house. Like when you leave having a heart attack, there are these like things that you would have to know about how, how to deal with the aftermath. If you have another heart attack. And yet she did not have it just sat there going, oh my God, like in the shower while she was like crying, she didn't even call 9 1 1 at the, at the minimal, like at the very minimum she could have called 9 1, 1. She didn't even do that. Like, oh my God, I was so annoyed. I'm like, where's his nitroglycerin? Why can't you get him aspirin? I don't understand why you're not performing CPR on him. What the fuck are you doing? And it was so funny because like, when I was watching that part, I literally leaped from my chair and I was a couch and screamed at the TV. Are you serious? Are killing him. Speaker 3 00:15:33 And I turned to my partner and I was like, well, she's just committed, negligent, homicide. Speaker 4 00:15:38 Well, let's see, not being in the healthcare or medical profession. Um, you know, like I wasn't as irate as you, but the part that surprised. So I was surprised that she didn't think to call 9 1, 1 as soon as Speaker 3 00:15:58 Asked. Right. Speaker 4 00:16:00 And you're right. Like, you know, um, you would have expected her to at least know some of the basics to what and what to do. Um, like if she's been with big, for so long. Right. But the part that surprised me for me was that I didn't expect him to be still alive when she got home. Speaker 3 00:16:18 Oh, no, no. The thing is like, it just depends on like the, it depends on basically like how much hard tissue has died. Like I know, like I know like the, the classic TV trope is you clutch your heart, you know, you get like keel over and die, but that's not true. Like, so like, it can be anything, but it just depends on like, um, once like, yeah, like once the artery in your heart has been clogged, how many of them have been clogged? Like whether or not it's like a massive coronary or if it's just like slow, like, yeah. So like there are all these, there are all these factors. And Speaker 4 00:16:56 So you would be, and actually I meant to ask you about that. So, um, so big not being able to move at all or like try and make it towards a phone, right? Speaker 3 00:17:07 Yeah. That makes no sense. He's almost right there. Like he managed it, he managed to prop himself up to sit to see her, but couldn't get to his phone. Like that makes no sense. Speaker 4 00:17:17 That's the part like, so I was like a little bit surprised. Speaker 3 00:17:21 Yeah. The only thing is, is that it is possible that you could, you may not be completely COPAS momentous at the time. So I don't know, like he might've been able to get to his phone, but he might not have had the wherewithal to actually like emergency dial. You know what I mean? Like, yeah. So like that, like, I don't really care much about like what happens with big side of it. Like, it's more like Carrie is clearly cope as mint is he is still conscious. Like, what are you doing? Like, uh, Speaker 4 00:17:52 Yeah. And you know, it's funny because you mentioned this because, um, while I was watching this episode, like I said, I was surprised about those two things, but I also remember thinking that because my dad has a printout of what to, how to distinguish between a heart attack and a stroke. Yeah. And, and it's actually on the fridge. Speaker 3 00:18:14 Oh, wow. Well, good for him. That's really good. Yeah. These, if you're prepared, Speaker 4 00:18:18 Like how to tell, like if you're having a heart attack or, you know, um, but now I'm trying to re but see, I, and I remember thinking, oh, I should pay attention and read it properly when I go home. Um, you know, cause I don't think I actually read it properly, Speaker 3 00:18:36 But see like that's, that's what bothers me. It's just like, this could have been a teaching point in some ways I can, not that like, they should like have some sort of segue where they're like, if you have a heart attack, this is what you do. It's more like, you know, they could have shown her at least trying to do some of these things and him dying. It's fine. If he dies, like that's the whole way that you're like going forward momentum for the show, that's fine. But like at least you could have shown her giving him. And you know, the funny thing is, is like, I feel like they did mention the fact that he had nitroglycerin in the house. So I'm just like, so he has nitro in the house, but you don't, you don't give it to him when he's actually having the heart attack. Speaker 3 00:19:19 Like it made no sense to me. I was just like, what the fuck anyway, but the thing, yeah, that's the thing, like if like, especially if he's a person who's had a know, like he's had like in the actual sex in the city show, like that was one of the plot points was that he had had a heart attack and he called Carrie, you know, like post, heart attack to like, you know, hang out with her. Right. Because I guess he was having like a come to Jesus moment anyway. But like, yeah, like, like, you know, like get like give him some aspirin, nitro assembling you all. You can like give it under the tongue or if it's a spray, like spray it in his mouth, like, you know, like these things, like it would've just been an, it would have been like such a quick, it would have been so quick. Like, you know, you could have done it and shown people that this is what you do, but like, you know, sick and yeah, Speaker 4 00:20:10 No, I think you're Speaker 3 00:20:11 Right. Like, or at least CPR, at least they could have faded it out. Like, you know what I mean? Like when she's cradling him, cause he was still conscious, that's the problem. That's mine. He was still alive. And so it was just like, oh, so all you do is cradle him in the shower. Like, why don't you show him losing consciousness? And then you starting CPR and then like fade out into black, you know, it was just annoying, like at least show that she's like somewhat competent, somewhat competent partner or at the very moment, like at the very minimum 9 1 1. Speaker 4 00:20:49 Yeah. So as a layman, I would have, that was the only thing that came to mind actually, until you started until you mentioned, like when we were talking about it the first like, you know, um, offline. And I was like, oh yeah, I guess you're right. Like if you know, your partner's already had a heart attack, why would you not know the basics of what needs to Speaker 3 00:21:13 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Because the thing is like once you've had a heart attack, you are definitely at risk for another one. You know, you would think that your partner would have some idea, like some, you know, like, oh yeah, that was a big fail. And like, okay. Like I don't want to be, I don't want to like health shame people. Like if you haven't gotten CPR training, get CPR training one thing, Speaker 4 00:21:40 But I actually have it, which is why I was like, oh, I don't know if I'd know exactly what to do. I'd probably just, yeah. Cause I think like if you really know how to do CPR, like it is quite hard, right? Like, Speaker 3 00:21:52 Oh yeah, yeah. Like it's, it takes a lot of effort, like I think like, and especially with the new CPR rules. So basically like what? So, oh, so, okay. Like there has been a change from when I learned CPR like way back in the day till now. So when I had to recertify for my CPR training, like they D they have changed things. So before you used to have to do like chest compressions and give breaths in between, but now actually they advocate for no, no breaths in between. So you actually just compress the chest and it's usually to the tune of staying alive, if anyone knows that song. But like, so like that's how, like the beat of staying alive is basically like how you make alive though, on that one. Yeah. The BGS. Yeah, exactly. And so, and so, um, the, the name of a Speaker 4 00:22:42 Band Speaker 3 00:22:46 Is, you know, more music than you think. Speaker 3 00:22:51 Yeah. But like, so basically that's like, that's how you do the chest. Compressions is like to that, to that beat, like that's the rhythm that you have to do. And, uh, and you know, and like, and just that alone can keep a lot of people going. So the thing is, is that like, if somebody, like, if somebody is completely unconscious and like, you know, has no pulse, no breathing, like, you know, like that's, that's basically what you have to attempt to do is that give chest compressions. Th what I didn't like, like what I didn't realize until I started med school was like how deep the chest compressions need to be. And, oh my gosh. Like as a petite woman, it is very, very difficult. Like you basically, like, I personally, I have to basically put all my weight into it because like, that's, that's how deep the heart needs to be compressed in order to get blood to the body. It's, it's quite crazy. Speaker 4 00:23:51 So I guess if ever there was a time for me to learn CPR now would be it and I can actually be of some use that actually makes me feel better in a weird kind of a way. Speaker 3 00:24:05 Yeah. No, I think everyone, everyone should get basic. Speaker 4 00:24:09 Good, good idea actually. Yeah. What's the, what was the second name? Speaker 3 00:24:15 Oh yeah. Well, actually, no, so what I wanted to say is like, I don't want to help shame anyone. Like, obviously if you're not comfortable doing it or whatever, like, like I wouldn't, you know, I wouldn't expect somebody who, who really like is uncomfortable with it or like nervous about it or anything to like, suddenly feel the need to like, try to save someone from having like a heart attack. But it's like at the bare minimum call 9 1, 1 like, oh my goodness, Speaker 4 00:24:43 That was weirdly Speaker 3 00:24:44 Handled. It was, it was very badly handled. Like I was no, seriously. I literally, I turned to my partner and I was just like, if she doesn't get charged with negligent homicide, I don't know what's going on. Like, oh God. Anyway. So the second issue was Carrie's hip surgery. Yeah. So, but like, okay. So I have mixed feelings about this. So I'm not as irate about it as I was with bigs heart attack, but Carrie's hip surgery. I'm kind of two minds. So on the one hand, yay. Like, yay. And just like that for showing the fact that people need hip surgery and kind of like the trials and tribulations that people have to face afterwards afterwards. But then on the other hand, what annoyed me a little bit about it was the fact that they were like, oh, she's getting hip surgery for like a congenital hip disorder, which it oh, which I would like to say, I'm like, I have a congenital hip disorder. And so I was just like, thank you. I'm like, okay. So like, so yeah. So on the one hand, like, yes, she's only getting it because she has this congenital hip disorder, but then at the same time, like they had to like put the caveat that it wasn't like old lady surgery. I'm like, you can't have it both ways. Like you can't be like, oh, look, we're aging. And let's talk about getting old. And then be like, I'm not old. It's like, what? I don't understand what your messaging is. Speaker 4 00:26:25 Whereas for me, I actually kind of took it, um, in the way that, you know, she's just so relieved to see it's not an old woman surgery. Like she felt the need to Speaker 3 00:26:37 Qualify. Cause you know, Speaker 4 00:26:39 It's, um, it's, you know, it's like, because honestly when they said hip surgery, I went there too. I was like, oh no, like, you know, poor her poor Carrie. Right. And so I totally, for me, it was more like, oh, look, see, she's trying to sort of make sure everybody knows it's not because of her age, but because it's a congenital heart, not heart problem. But Speaker 3 00:27:05 Then I was like, isn't that a bit ages? It Speaker 4 00:27:08 Is, but that's kind of what it is very ageist. Right. But it was kind of real to me because of it, you know? Like it felt like that's that's I would expect people to kind of be like, oh, look, you know, like make sure that they kind of, not everybody obviously, but you know, like I could see her sort of, sort of, you know, make that comment and say, yeah, well it's not all lady just so you know, you know, Speaker 3 00:27:36 And like, but okay. But like if she had it in her eighties, like what would she be comfortable calling it all day? Okay. I'm just expecting Carrie to be a bit more like, I don't know, I'm expecting her to be less ageist about it, but I guess it's old habits die hard or something, but like, I don't know. It was, uh, it was interesting. It was interesting in the sense that like, I don't know, it made me a little bit sad because like, like she has her friends around her in order to help her with this. But I was thinking like, if you were in your eighties, like it's different because then like, you know, like Charlotte was helping her to the bathroom and stuff like that. But like that's because Charlotte is a fit woman in her fifties. Like I was thinking like, if you were in your eighties, like it's even more Speaker 4 00:28:31 Debilitating, Speaker 3 00:28:32 You know? Like, yeah. I don't know. Like it just, it just kinda made me think like, oh, just give it 30 years. And it's even like harder anyway. Like, so in some ways I'm kind of glad they bought it, brought it up because it is something that you kind of don't think about and like, to like watch, watch her try to navigate like going to the bathroom and like, you know, Speaker 4 00:28:55 Yeah. There was a scene where she is like, so desperate to go and there's no one around to help her. And she ends up trying to pee into, you know, Speaker 3 00:29:07 Bottle. Speaker 4 00:29:08 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:29:10 Oh, that was so I don't know. It was just, it was so real. Speaker 4 00:29:15 It was actually so real and kudos to the, you know, the writers for actually making that seem like it became about something else, but you kept using the reference. So it wasn't like there wasn't any shaming or anything. It wasn't played for laughs. No, it wasn't paid, you know, I thought that was actually really well done. Yeah. That scene because you know, like she's not embarrassed about it as she shouldn't be, you know, they actually addressed it, they talked about it, but it was in the context of all something else that was happening in the show. Right. Yeah. So I kind of quite liked that scene actually. Speaker 3 00:29:54 Yeah, no, actually I quite liked that episode. I was like, I was like, this is kind of what I would like them. You should do more, you know, like just to show like, like yeah, just like kind of show the day-to-day tribulations of what it means to be getting older, but like not show it in like a grim way. I, and I think they did, uh, they, they, they threaded a very fine needle that way. It wasn't like, it wasn't, it wasn't played you're right. It wasn't played for laughs and it wasn't, but at the end of the day, like you didn't feel like, like you didn't feel depressed for Carrie in any way, you know, but yeah. Like it just showed her, it just showed like a more vulnerable side of the character and it kind of just got you thinking about like your own health. Speaker 4 00:30:42 Yeah. No. So I quite liked that episode, uh, as well. And I, I did think it was a strong, strong one. Like Speaker 3 00:30:49 It was a strong one for sure. Yeah. I agree. Well, and it's really funny because like, um, yeah, so like I hit, like I was talking with this friend of mine, she like recently bought a house like for her parents and I was like, oh, that's interesting. And then, but then like, and then she was like, yeah, I've bought a bungalow because if they get older, then they only need like the one floor. And of course, like, you know, like we all think that we're like, oh, okay. Like when you get older, like it's probably best not to have to like go up and down that many steps, but then she's actually installing an elevator into it so that if there's ever, um, like mobility issues, you can get from one floor to the other on the elevator. And I was like, wow, that's a really forward-thinking. I was like, Hmm. Like, you know, like, but then I was thinking to myself, like, yeah, wouldn't it be nice if all, if all houses had elevators, Speaker 4 00:31:54 Is this a good time to admit that sometimes when I'm going, is it up or down now? I can't remember like this, you know, stairs clearly both ways. Probably I can actually feel my knees hurt. Yes. Yeah. Not always, but like, and, and I find myself doing sort of like a side, side slide down each step, like, you know, and I'm like she said, because I'm too fat now or, you know, and my upper body weight can, like, my knees cannot support a per body weight anymore. Or is it like my knees have gotten weaker? Or like, what is it like, what is this issue? And I'm afraid to find out. Speaker 3 00:32:45 Yeah. Well, I mean like part of it just might be, well, I mean, like as we age our limit, our ligaments aren't as supple as they used to be. Right. So that's, that's part of it. Um, and if you've like, yeah, and then like around this time, and as we get older, like arthritis starts to become an issue, um, just because of natural wear and tear of joints. And then yeah. If you're carrying extra weight, that doesn't mean, Speaker 4 00:33:10 No, it really doesn't my sister who is much younger, she's like in her early thirties. Um, and um, she got a frozen shoulder. Oh Speaker 3 00:33:21 No. That's so Speaker 4 00:33:24 All of a sudden she's like, and the thing is initially she, she got her booster last week, so she's like, oh, it's probably because of that. Right. And then it was like, no, it's weird. I can't move my arm. Like, it's suddenly stuck. Like I can't anyway, her dash w when she talked to her doctor and whatever, and it's frozen shoulder. And the thing is that I told her, I'm like, oh my gosh, I think that's your fault. That's a frozen shoulder. Cause I got it once. And yeah. And then she was like, looking it up. And then, but every article that she was finding or when, whenever whatever she was web, whichever site, she was web MD, um, it was like in your forties and your forties, she was so mad because initially she's like, I don't think that's what it is, wants to be in your forties. Speaker 3 00:34:13 I'm much too young. Speaker 4 00:34:15 Yeah. Cause she's like a solid eight years away, you know? She was like, no, that's not it. And then now she's like, oh no, you know, this is like so depressing. And I'm like, yep. And that's how it starts. Like what you're hearing is not glee, not joy, not laughing at your pain. I'm just, I'm laughing with Speaker 3 00:34:46 Your pain. Speaker 4 00:34:47 Exactly. Speaker 3 00:34:51 Oh my God. That's so funny. Speaker 4 00:34:53 All the articles were like, oh yeah, you know, it starts in your forties, often women in their forties, whatever are people in their forties, you know, I was like, Hmm, interesting. I'm like, yeah, I think I had just turned 40 when this happened. Speaker 3 00:35:08 You're just precocious. Oh my God. That's hilarious. Oh, that sucks though. Frozen shoulders sucks. Speaker 4 00:35:19 Really does. Oh Speaker 3 00:35:20 My God. Yeah. So yeah. All of us to say, I'm kind of glad the sex in the city brought it up. The one thing that kind of bothers me about it though, is that she goes right back to wearing yields, like stilettos. I was just like, Speaker 4 00:35:34 So that was my question is so I love heels. You love heels. Oh, I love it. Speaker 3 00:35:43 I shouldn't be wearing, oh no. And I'll put the caveat in that from when I got my diagnosis from when I was like four, I was told I should not wear heels because of my bad hip. Of course I kind of didn't listen. Speaker 4 00:36:00 Okay. But yeah, it's not Speaker 3 00:36:01 Good. It's Speaker 4 00:36:02 Not a good thing to be wearing. And the thing is, I love them. But now I find that, you know, if I'm going to go about daily errands and stuff, whereas before I would always wear heels. Now, if there's little to low Dane, like, you know, chances of me running into people, I know I will. Okay. Let me, let me, let me elaborate on that one. Not just in, elaborate on your vanity. Yeah. Yes. That is the sign of a narcissist. When I see people, I know, no, like, I mean, I would wear my flats with, in front of you. Yeah. And nowadays I actually wear it in front of a lot of people, you know? Um, but if it was like, you know, other people like, kind of are trying to impress. Yes. Right. Speaker 4 00:37:09 I have would be in my heels. And, but even I've had to give in. And like I said, self-select my moments when it's okay to wear my flats. And also now I actually carry two pairs of shoes, right. With me. I have my flats for walking because I just gave up, like if I'm living downtown, walking 20 blocks, sometimes, you know, it's just impossible to do it in heels anymore. Whereas back in the day, I literally walked uphill and downhill in south on the streets of San Francisco wearing, you know, FMI boots. It was like stiletto heels. Like, it was ridiculous. But, but you were younger. I was much, much younger, mid twenties and stuff like that. But, but my point is that I've given in to the flats, even though like, I was very similar to Carrie where I was like, God is never going to happen. Speaker 4 00:38:14 I will never give up my heels. And it will always be about my heels, but I just couldn't keep up because it actually does hurt to wear them all the time and walk in them all the time. So I pick and choose when you're like, yeah. When I do it. So I'm shocked because they, it was like, it reminded me of a sex in the city episode, like in one of the scenes where she's wearing her heels while she's on a ladder working. And I was like, are you fucking kidding me? No woman, there's no way you would do that. Right. Or is it just me? Like, are there women out there who still do that? Speaker 3 00:38:55 I don't know. I know. I feel like Carrie plays a very niche woman. Like still. Yeah. Like, and actually, like in the episode, I just saw like this week's episode, like she's painting and stilettos is happening right now. Speaker 4 00:39:12 That is the scene. And I'm like really in your heels, like how Speaker 3 00:39:16 It's possible. I know it made no sense. Like, I mean, I understand the need to be stylish. I get that. I feel like, you know, I understand the need to like, look good while you're doing it. But like, isn't that dangerous? I feel like that's dangerous. They were really dangerous. I know. I know. And yeah. And like, I feel like Speaker 4 00:39:38 Someone who has, um, uh, he hip congenital. Speaker 3 00:39:41 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. I know you, Speaker 4 00:39:45 No, your hip is going to get out of whack Speaker 3 00:39:47 Again, right? Yeah. Oh, no. For sure. Yeah. Like I was just like, I don't think that they would be putting you in stiletto heels right away like that. Speaker 4 00:39:58 And I think they show that it's like three or four months later. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:40:02 That's still, that's still, Speaker 4 00:40:04 Did you really not? You know what? Speaker 3 00:40:07 Ah, I would love to hear, I would love to hear from orthopods about this. Like anybody who's like an orthopedic surgery, right. In tell us and let us know whether or not your, like the women that you do, hip surgeries on. If they're younger, do you let them know that they can wear stiletto heels like three to four months afterwards? And if so, do they, can they wear them constantly? Like she does on special occasions, Speaker 4 00:40:31 But let's tying back to her unawareness our lack of awareness, not unaware, her lack of awareness of what to do in the event, your husband gets a heart attack. Oh Jesus. I'm just going to say tying back, maybe that's the thing like Carrie special niche will. Oh. You know, for a woman where she just disregards any medical advice she doesn't like or once a week. Speaker 3 00:40:59 Oh, totally. I, yeah. I Speaker 4 00:41:01 Would make sense why she, you know what to do. Speaker 3 00:41:04 Yeah. Yeah. I would. I would go with that but see like, oh yeah. Sorry to keep ranting about the heart attack part of it. But I think that's the other thing that bothered me. Like, I mean like, is this what Carrie is? Is Carrie useless? Has she been useless? Like I just want, I just want to remember. And she just been a useless person because I was just like, why are you like buying into the trope of a totally useless woman? Speaker 4 00:41:30 You know, my favorite in the show. And this is for a different, uh, episode is brown, Samantha Sima. I love her. She's amazing as much, like I'm like seriously crushing on her because she's just amazing. She's funny and sassy and I'm apologizing and just gorgeous divine. Speaker 3 00:41:56 I want her hair. Speaker 4 00:41:58 Oh God, seriously. Why can't I have your hair and her wardrobe? I actually really like her. Speaker 3 00:42:05 She actually dresses. Really? Yeah. Speaker 4 00:42:07 She dresses. Well, you know, like, yeah. So I'm, I'm really, and I'm really liking, but anyway, that's for a different episode, but you know, they haven't. Um, but yeah, like I digress. Um, speaking of, uh, another health issue, we've talked about, uh, menopause before and they actually finally referred to it. This, I know, I think it was last week, right. That they know Speaker 3 00:42:34 This week. It was just this law, this law, this, this like the latest Speaker 4 00:42:38 I'm laughing because of the smugness of Charlotte. Like Speaker 3 00:42:47 It's so funny. Cause like it's, I it's, I find it so amusing that the minute that I say like, oh, they don't even touch like issues around menopause. And then suddenly they do like something. They do talk, talk about menopause. But I think what bothers me about it is that like, they kind of just skim over it. They were just like, all she does is that one line where she's like, I think I'm done my period. And I didn't have like symptom a, B, C, D, and E like you guys did. And that's it. That's like, Speaker 4 00:43:15 It might actually go the route of making her pregnant. Speaker 3 00:43:19 Oh, you haven't finished the episode though, right? No. Okay. Yeah. Just keep watching. Oh no. Speaker 4 00:43:26 Yeah. Oh God. Why must you ruin things for me? Oh, you're going to be my SEMA when I'm 80 and be like, uh, I gotta tell you this because no one else will. Speaker 3 00:43:51 I know actually. Yeah. I usually am that person. I'm the person who will tell strangers on the street that they have spinach in their teeth. Oh, I am. I'm the bearer of ultimate bad news. And I will give it to anybody in anyone who is Speaker 4 00:44:04 No, no. What makes it hilarious is you do it like straight away? Like you couch it. Like, it's not like a, you know, like a punch punch, punch punch. Speaker 3 00:44:20 It's like, yeah, you've dealt with it now, come on. Let's move on. Speaker 4 00:44:27 It's not like, oh my gosh, you have such a beautiful smile, you know, but you have a spinach in your teeth. You have spinach in that, Speaker 3 00:44:39 Fix it. Now it's better. Exactly. Speaker 4 00:44:45 Oh gosh. Yeah. But I'm wondering, you know what, I wonder if it actually kind of makes sense because, um, as I've been watching it, I realized that they've, they've made a number of H related topics and, and I'm, I'm quite liking it, right? Yeah. Overall, like I'm actually surprisingly getting warming up to it. So like they're, they're acting is getting better. Like when they're actually focusing on those kinds of issues when they're not trying to be too woke or anything like that, you know, like the full pause of the earlier episodes are like, it's less cringy now. Yeah. So, you know, um, there were a couple of interesting stuff, but I'm wondering if they're just easing us into those kinds of topics, especially around health and mental issues and, and like other age themed, um, topics, because they're hoping to get like a second season, for example. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And on those later Speaker 3 00:45:44 Maybe, I mean, like, I would hope so because I'm kind of, yeah, I'm kind of worried in a sense, because I think the first few episodes got panned by so many people, mainly because of issues that were going to get into an, in like another one of our podcast episodes. But yeah, like so many issues were brought up by so many different people. Like, and I think that like, because of that, it kind of like a generated, some ill will around it. And now it's kind of coming back into its stride and similar to what it used to be, um, except dealing with issues around aging, you know, and which is what I was, Speaker 4 00:46:22 It's like, what you said, like it's part of their life. It's not the focus like that. Like it's like they're trying to live their life and these things pop up. Yes. No, that's the part I'm liking quite a lot. Yeah. But the one thing other than bigs death though, I do, and I know that this is a show about for women and, and, and stuff, but they have Anthony, they have Harry, um, you know, now they have rock, um, you know, um, uh, and Che. So I feel like there is an opportunity to touch on men's health and men's issues as are transgender, like which they do and transgender, but, you know, but the health-related, um, aspects of it, right. Like rather than just like make a sexual. Speaker 3 00:47:13 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean, I guess maybe like they probably like, at least with the transgender portion of it, maybe I think that they want to deal with a lot of the Speaker 4 00:47:25 Figuring out the Speaker 3 00:47:26 Social issues around transgendered, because, because like, they, I think they are trying to be a vehicle to be educational about these issues. I don't know that they're going about it in the best way, but like, but they're attempting right. Speaker 4 00:47:42 Trying, right. Speaker 3 00:47:43 Yeah, exactly. And then eventually, like they can probably get into it, but then this is what I'm seeing is that they, like, I feel like because of those initial, like initial episodes, it kind of gender this, like, um, or it, it basically cause a lot of people to right off the show. And so now I'm just wondering, because if they don't get other, if they don't get other seasons, then you're not going to get this discussion around it. Right. Even like, while they're kind of getting into their stride right now, you know, which annoys me. Cause I was just like, Ugh, why didn't you just do good episodes at the beginning upfront instead of whatever you were trying to do that, Speaker 4 00:48:19 You know, if you guys were going to reboot anyway, why didn't you put some thought around how to, you know, get into the stride sooner? Speaker 3 00:48:26 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So Speaker 4 00:48:29 I don't actually know if this is health health issue, but it is certainly related to the physical aspect of, of, of yourself plastic surgery. Speaker 3 00:48:40 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting that they did mention it very briefly with that, like, um, with that trip to that plastic surgeon. Um, but I know you have, I know you, you know, it's funny because like when I, when I watched that part of it, I was just like, oh, that's interesting. They're mentioning it. And I didn't really think anything very much about it. Well, but then you seem to have some very, the human opinions around it. Speaker 4 00:49:05 I don't know if it was vehement, but no, I think for me, um, I was, uh, the gender aspect of, of that conversation did, did great at me a little bit, you know, and I know what was funny, but a part of me was like, it is actually true. And they touch on that. Like why do women have to feel and be made to feel that way, right? Where the, so the context is that, um, uh, Carrie and Anthony go to a consult with a plastic surgeon, um, because Anthony wants a facelift or the surgeon right away was like, no, you don't need it. You just need a little bit of, you know, Botox here, a little bit of fentanyl, tender, love and hug there. And everything is okay. You are hot. In fact, that is precisely the statement he uses you are. Right. Whereas, and I get it. Yes. He was flirting. Speaker 3 00:50:04 That's what I was going to say. Speaker 4 00:50:07 Sure. But you know, but a plastic surgeon giving up a chance for money for flirting, you know what I mean? Like it would have been like, let me make you even more beautiful. Right. That's true. You know, Florida way, but like, whatever. But, um, but with, uh, Kerry, he starts going down this deep hole of like all the things that he, she could do, even though he's giving her the platitude of like, oh, but you're fabulous. Don't worry about it. But I would do this and this and this and this and this procedure and this procedure. And you could go around this way and you know, um, it's all very, very expensive, just like every other aspect of the, you know, like paying that feminine tax of for beauty. And that was the part that I actually didn't really have a vehement reaction. And, and Noranda kind of points that out. Speaker 4 00:51:06 She's like, like we are constantly being made to feel less than because of these kinds of things, you know? So I was actually really annoyed by that. Because as you age, you are going to, I don't know, loose, like the set and some people, their cheeks will get hollower and some people it'll get saggy or like, whatever. Right? All these things are going to start happening and you are going to wear your age on your face. And yes, there are options. And we all know that I'm kind of always tempted by plastic surgery. So when he does that face transformation of what all of that would look like, and she would be about 15 years of her life, I was like, how the fuck do I sign up for this? Speaker 3 00:51:53 When you go to a plastic Speaker 4 00:51:54 Surgeon? Yeah. But with what money, God, let's monetize this ASAP now, but jokes aside. But like, I wa I am tempted right. All the time. Um, but, but that other side of me is also like, but what's wrong with it. And they actually had to go down that path. Right. Like Charlotte always says, well, if you want a little bit of Botox and an infant talk, like what's wrong with that. And I really don't think there was anything wrong with it, with it at all. But it was just the way they approached it for Carrie versus Anthony who was actually older. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:52:31 Exactly. I mean, at the end of the day, she doesn't go through with it, which I think is like a commentary on its own, which is that like for Carrie, that's not what she wants done, you know? Like she's comfortable with her age. Exactly. Which is like, like, which I think is kind of yeah. Which is what they're trying to say, which is basically like, just do what makes do what's right for you, right. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:52:58 And that's, but that's just it, right. If I feel like the onus is then on the woman to figure out how she feels and how she can handle it and you know, not everyone might be equipped or easily get there to make this decision. So they might sway one way or the other because of outside influences rather than their own, like Speaker 3 00:53:23 Their own Speaker 4 00:53:23 Feelings about aging, you might be made to feel so bad about how they look that they're like, okay, fine. Sign me up. You know? Or they, you know, they're told like, like, do you know what I mean? Like, as in, it might not be an option because outside forces tell them it's not an option for them. Yeah. Rather than, you know, having their own agency and making that decision. Speaker 3 00:53:48 Oh, okay. Speaker 4 00:53:50 But that's, that's a different, Speaker 3 00:53:53 That's a big issue. Right. Because then like, what are we saying? Like, because then like, I mean, I agree. Speaker 3 00:54:00 Oh no, no, no, yeah, yeah, no, no worries. I know. I mean, but at least I think we should touch on it in the sense that, like, I think that, like, it's a bigger issue in the sense that, I mean, yes. I don't think that, I think, okay. Society has just been ageist in many ways and against women, more than men, mainly because of like biological reasons, which is that like, you know, like for the longest time, a woman's only worth was like what she could produce, which is an air. Right. Like it all tied down to biology. And basically like once, like once you're menopausal, you're kind of useless, right? Like that's like the myth that we've been taught, like all this time. And so like, because of that, we look down upon women who are older. Right. Like, and I'm not saying that this is a, this isn't and this isn't a global phenomenon. It's like a very like Western phenomenon. Right. So then like, um, and yes, that kind of thinking, it would be nice if it would not be around, but that takes like a lot of work. Like Speaker 4 00:55:02 I know it was just, Speaker 3 00:55:07 Oh, no, no. Yeah, exactly. Like, I mean, these are, these are societal influences that it would be nice to get rid of in which like, like, it would be nice for society to just be like, you, do you, like, whatever makes you feel beautiful, like you should, you should do it. But like at the same time, like when you say that, like, it would be nice if people had agency for themselves, like that's more about back. That's also a big thing because like, in order to get agency for yourself, it's like, it's like a lot of different factors that come in. Right. Speaker 4 00:55:41 I'm oversimplifying it for sure. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:55:45 Yeah. Because like that, that also involves society and how you were brought up and like, you know, cause like, um, yeah. Cause for some people having your own agency is much easier than for others, for many different factors. Right. Which I think like, Speaker 4 00:56:02 I mean social, political, religious, like you're absolutely correct. No, I am definitely oversimplifying it. But, um, I guess what I was just saying is that watching that scene, I know it was intended to be humorous, but I did find it very, um, thought provoking for myself, you know, where I like, Hmm. Speaker 3 00:56:26 That's funny. It's funny that we interpreted it completely differently. Cause I was just like, yeah, like for me it kinda like the only thing that twigged was just like, Hmm. It's kind of annoying that he's telling Carrie that he, that she needs to do all this stuff and I have to, he doesn't need to do anything mainly because I was like, I think he wants to get into her pants into his pants, but like, but then that was it. It was just like, I, yeah. I was just like, yep. It's just a funny little scene. Speaker 4 00:56:52 Um, one of the things that interested me and I don't know if it's completely related as in like, it would be a health issue, but it was definitely would have an impact on the psychological health. At least Miranda's drinking. Oh, Speaker 3 00:57:06 Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah, that's true. I know. Okay. I Speaker 4 00:57:12 Feel resulted way to Speaker 3 00:57:14 Users. I think that was my problem with it was they made it out and I'm not saying people can't do this. I had a friend who quit smoking like that. She like, literally just was just like one day I don't want to smoke anymore. And she just stopped and like, like kudos to her. But like so many people can't do that. And like, like there's no. Yeah. Like, I mean like, like there's a reason that alcoholics anonymous exists, you know? Like it's not that easy. And so I was just like, yeah, this is really odd that they like, I mean, I get it, they brought up the drinking because it was, it was a coping mechanism for Miranda in order to deal with the unhappiness in her life. But then at the same time it was just like, why, why are you acting like it's so easy to suddenly just stop drinking? You know? I don't know. Yeah. They kind of, I feel like they could've, they could've done more with that or just made it a little bit more realistic. Like, I don't know, like maybe she was talking with her physician or had a support group or something, you know, like it was, it was just like, oh, she just decided to quit drinking and that's it, you know? Yeah. Speaker 4 00:58:21 And, and, and I mean, I guess it is kind of tied to her character, you know, where she's forges ahead with something, but I don't know. It just didn't feel like to clean. Speaker 3 00:58:38 Yeah. It was too pat. Like I think, I think that, yeah, that bothered me too. Um, Speaker 4 00:58:43 Because it's a serious disease. Yeah. Alcoholism, right? Yeah. Um, I don't know. I think that they could have touched on it or did something else with it a little bit more too, so that, you know, people who are struggling to quit, um, and, or, uh, you know, have this, um, issue are sort of, you know, again, and then have something that's a little bit more relatable. Speaker 3 00:59:10 Exactly. I mean, yeah. Like, like show, like I understand that they're trying to keep things like lighter in the show, but like, even like the next episode, if she said like, she'd come back from an AA meeting, like I would've been okay with that. You know, like it would show that like she's continuing to work on it like or something, you know, but like yeah, but for her to just be like, yep, I'm just going to dump the vodka down the sink and that's it, you know, it was just like, what, uh, that must be nice. I, I don't know. Speaker 4 00:59:43 But, um, yeah, no, those are, there's quite a few. Um, I re I remember reading an article where, um, the commented that they think that Carrie might be being set up for dementia having dementia. Um, yeah, I didn't pick up on it. Um, but they reference a couple of scenes, like where she misplaces her coffee. And then there's a scene where Miranda says something about making something, something. And, um, Mickey, I think it was, maybe it was the same scene, like where it was. She was like, oh, I'm going to make some coffee. And then two seconds later, Carrie's like, what, what are you going to make? Like, you know, um, oh yeah, yeah. Speaker 3 01:00:22 But then I think that was very soon after big had passed on. And I think that was just showing like how in like the she's grieving. Speaker 4 01:00:31 Yeah. I didn't pick up on it at all, but it was just an interesting, you know, commentary, um, you know, to read Speaker 3 01:00:39 Because I'm not picking anything up after, like she hasn't she's she looked, I mean, she seems completely fine, like in the episodes, in the, in the purse, like, you know, in the following episodes, I honestly think that was just a great, Speaker 4 01:00:51 That's probably true, but yeah, no overall, but it is interesting. I mean, I'm not sure if it's going to, when does the show ends? Like in 10 episodes? Yeah, I think it's next week. Next week. Yeah. I'm curious. Uh, I wonder when we'll find out if there's going to be a second season, Speaker 3 01:01:09 Actually. Yeah. That's interesting. They haven't announced the fact that it's been picked up again. So that actually makes me wonder if maybe it won't be because like, for certain, for certain shows you, you hear almost right away, it's like, oh Speaker 4 01:01:24 Yeah, I think we picked up for another 29,000 episodes, but Speaker 3 01:01:32 I know which I'm kind of sad about because it's just like, oh, you know, like I kind of want to see, I do want to see a show about women at this age and just like how they're living their life. Speaker 4 01:01:46 No, honestly, this is one of the best aspects of that. Like these are women in their fifties. They are the highlight of the show. It's just amazing. Um, you know, that they are the power, they are the draw for the show. So I really, really admire that about, about, you know, Hollywood for going there finally. Speaker 3 01:02:09 Well, they've gone there. They have gone there, but like, yeah. Yeah. It's just been, it's just been so long. Cause like, I think honestly I think golden girls is the last show that I remember. And, uh, and that was like over 20 years ago Speaker 4 01:02:26 It was in the what nineties Speaker 3 01:02:28 Or eighties? Eighties. It was in the eighties. Speaker 4 01:02:31 Yeah. That was very cool too. Yeah. But anyway, we should probably wrap this up. I think. So I'm trying to think, but curious, like, so I guess we'll keep watching, but next week we'll be talking about, um, another theme that has emerged within, um, and just like that. But for now I think Speaker 3 01:02:59 Stay happy and healthy. I know I'm going to try, Speaker 4 01:03:04 We cover. It'll be nice to hear your, uh, original voice again. Speaker 3 01:03:10 I know I I'm like growing used to this now. I'm like, maybe this'll be my permanent voice Speaker 4 01:03:18 For all of you listeners. Thank you for joining us today. Um, you know, email us tweet at us TMS, follow us on all the socials. Where does this make me look old and visit our website? It does this make me look and Speaker 3 01:03:35 Oh, and actually, oh no. The one thing I did want to mention was, oh, I know a lot of you don't listen on apple. Um, but thank you so much to our, uh, Apolis or apple podcasts listeners. Who've been putting reviews on our, um, on our page. So appreciate it. If anybody who is on apple likes us, please like rate and review us. And, uh, that's how other people find our podcast. But if you, if you don't listen on apple, there's other options. I think if you listen on Stitcher, you can review us on Stitcher. And I think, um, you can also, uh, review on pod chaser, uh, pod chaser, I think is like platform agnostic. So I think you can. Yeah. So I think you can use that. So, yeah. Please rate and review us. We really appreciate the reviews and I like reading. Speaker 4 01:04:18 Thank you. Thank you. And see you next week.

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