Episode 21: The one where Shiv hates on 'Friends'

Episode 21 June 02, 2021 00:55:17
Episode 21: The one where Shiv hates on 'Friends'
Does This Make Me Look Old?
Episode 21: The one where Shiv hates on 'Friends'

Jun 02 2021 | 00:55:17


Show Notes

So the 'Friends' reunion happened and it brought up a LOT of feelings from Sim which were…not shared by Shiv. Is it possible that someone could have an issue with Friends? Yes, (to Sim's horror), it is. Join Sim and Shiv as they take a nostalgic trip down TV memory lane, one in which Shiv possibly ruins many of the shows that Sim has a soft spot for. Spoiler alert! Besides Friends and the Friends reunion show, we discuss Seinfeld, How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones, Lost, The Leftovers, Watchmen, Happy Endings, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Parks and Recreation, and The Good Place (which is also a show on which Shiv has a very spirited discussion).

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:03 Hi and welcome to does this make me look old, a podcast about aging as gracefully as possible when you're just not ready for two 40 something year old friends move find themselves kind of straddling that really odd period of time when aging and everything that is associated with is starting to become a much bigger part of our lives. We're definitely curious, but at the same time, rather terrified about aging. I'm Schiff. I'm a health science nerd and pop culture themes, and I'm sin and adult and waiting obsessed with finance and self-help books. We're going to be talking about the stereotypes of aging and how they affect us. And we'll also be doing some deeper dives into some interesting topics, such as what it's like to get old in the society dating when you're older and scientific advancements in anti-aging products and even evolution and scientific thinking around aging and throughout it all we chat rant, laugh about or adulting mishaps of which there are so, so, so many. So join us as we navigate our second quarter life crisis. Speaker 2 00:01:08 Hi, and welcome to this week's episode of does this make me look old? Hi, I'm sheriff and I'm SIM and I'm Schiff. It's been a while since I've seen you. Yes. It's good to see you, man. <inaudible> and kind of happy because I don't know. Did you actually, I meant to ask you yeah. Um, the reason I'm feeling nostalgic and I'll happy. So I think I was just going back to, you know, 10, 20 years ago. Um, did you watch the friends where you need? I did not. Okay. But it's been three days since it came out. What do you mean you haven't watched it yet? I really don't Speaker 3 00:01:50 Feel the need to watch the friends or union. Okay. You should just see the look on, on SIM face right now. It's like this look of complete incredulity Speaker 2 00:02:00 And you meet. You're just, you've been busy and think. Speaker 3 00:02:04 Okay. Okay. So I'll see one thing. So my partner did record it. I feel like he wants to watch it. So if he wants to watch it, I will watch it with him on my own. I feel no need to watch this. Wait, Speaker 2 00:02:18 How did you are a friends fans? Yes. Okay. So, okay. We've been friends for a very long time, but I know I met you after friends ended or maybe around the time it was ending. Yeah. Oh no, no. It must've been, it was after it was after. Yeah. Cause I think it ended in 2004. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So what, Speaker 3 00:02:39 Yeah. Sorry, dude. Okay. Okay. So, okay. I will tell you about my relationship with friends. So I, okay. So my brother and I knew of Courtney Cox because she used to be on family ties, loved her. She was like a really good character. She wasn't family tie. She played Alex, Alex Keaton's, um, girlfriend. She was one of his last, oh no, no, no, no, because we'll nevermind. I think he's like current wife is, was one of his girlfriends, but anyway, Courtney Cox was a girlfriend of Alex Peaky Speaker 2 00:03:07 Anyway, Speaker 3 00:03:10 So yeah. So, so, you know, loved her. Um, and then she was going to be on this new show called friends so that the two of us were like, oh, this sounds really cool. Let's watch it. So watched it religiously every Thursday night Speaker 4 00:03:23 Until, and you know, it, it was, it was good for a few years. Speaker 2 00:03:29 It was great for a few years. Speaker 3 00:03:32 Some may say that I do not anyway. And then it jumped the shark when Rachel started dating Joey and then Speaker 2 00:03:42 <inaudible> finish you relevant. My heart stopped. When you just said that Joey would have been perfect for Rachel. First of all, let's get this out. I know there's a lot of Ross and Rachel fans on, I don't care. I don't want Ross Speaker 3 00:04:05 To be with Rachel. The whole thing is just fucking re like idiotic. Speaker 2 00:04:09 Like, Speaker 3 00:04:11 So the show totally jumped the shark all the way around. Speaker 2 00:04:15 Please, please just take it back the ending. Sorry. Oh God. No. Okay. So first of all, yeah, Joey was amazing and Nope, no, no. Don't make that face. Uh, no, you know, like I will curse you into becoming a stone with that face if you do that. Okay. Because Joey was the best and honestly, chill was a sweetheart to Rachel and like chubby was just the, oh, anyway, that is true. Another reason for me to love him. Um, but, um, but the thing is, I, I, you know what, I think I'm just shocked by the fact that you, um, I don't, Speaker 3 00:05:00 I don't have like, which have an antipathy to it. It sounds like I do, but like, I just there's issues with friends. I don't really feel the need to revisit it. That's Speaker 2 00:05:09 Funny because it's, it's one of those shows that I always have on, in the background, like if I'm working or, you know, like I just need something. Yeah. Um, and it's funny because it doesn't have to be in any sequence in order there's there are some episodes that I've probably seen way many more times than other episodes. So, and I totally hear you on, you know, um, some of the episodes, maybe not being as well. It, it, it's not like today, right? Like it's, it's, it's from a show from a different era. It's time, it's time. But I just genuinely, I think, you know, we were talking about nostalgia a couple of weeks ago. Right. And it's been percolating my head cause I'm like, ah, do we really want to be asthma style chick? And yet, you know, when I was watching, like the moment I heard about the reunion. Yeah. A part of me leaped with joy, you know, left with joy leaped with joy, like slept. Right? Yeah. See, this is like, could be leaped. I think he slept though. Anyway, gone. <inaudible> know. I think there's a context when you can use which one. Okay. We have to look that up though, because it's bothering me now, but either way I depressed and I now forgot what I was about. Just cause Speaker 3 00:06:17 When you heard about the friends reunion, your heart moved with joy, Speaker 2 00:06:22 You were listening because I wasn't listening to my own self. Um, but it did, like, I actually like just felt cheerful and happy and, and um, it occurred to me the other day that I'm like, when I heard it, I was like, oh my gosh, I think this is what that feeling of nostalgia. Speaker 3 00:06:41 I would, I would probably agree that that is what nostalgia does to you. Speaker 2 00:06:45 I really like thinking about, you know, my favorite scenes from friends. And then I was wondering what the, the episode would be like, like what the hour would be like or whatever, however long it was supposed to be. Yeah. And I was like, so looking forward to it, like there was this anticipation and, and just, you know, like I felt happy antenna was watching it. And um, even as I was watching it, like just listening to some of the people talk about their own, you know, memories of friends and I was like, that's right. That's right. It's like, you know, like, see you're bonding, bonding, bonding with these random strangers, the show and random celebrities. Like they had like David Beckham on the show, Mindy. Kayling like, don't know why, but you know, famous people loved them too. And, and it's like that segment from, you know, the stars they're just like us. Yeah. Where you're like, oh look, they actually wear a hoodie. I wear a hoodie. So we must be so similar. Not, I kind of had that same kind of feeling where I was like, when David Beckham was talking about his a favorite episode, I'm like, no, that episode, that's one of my favorites. Speaker 2 00:07:57 Oh my God. Okay. See you my fan mania about friends. Okay. Okay. Speaker 3 00:08:05 Several thoughts, several thoughts. Bring it. So first of all, friends is not one of those shows for me. Like I watched it, I saw the season, the series finale or whatever it ended. I don't think I've revisited any of the episodes. Like yeah. Like if it randomly plays, I don't feel the need to go back and watch it. Like I just don't care. And like, but, but that's not to say that I don't watch shows from that era because Seinfeld easily it's on middle of an episode. I will finish Speaker 2 00:08:35 It. Are you kidding? Not even joking. The total opposite. No. Speaker 3 00:08:39 See, so I have no problems, rewatching old Seinfeld episodes, but friends I could like give or take like, it does not like he just never got into it. We were fully into it until I was fully into it. And then they wreck the show by putting Jared for bringing Joey. And um, what's her name? Like, uh, fuck. That's her name? Oops. Anyway. Yeah. So you put Joey and Rachel together and it was just like, okay, like you've completely wrecked the show Speaker 2 00:09:15 That they were probably better suited for each other than Ross and Rachel, I don't think Ross and Rachel were even suited for one another, a hundred percent agree with, you Speaker 3 00:09:23 Know, what I found problematic with the show is that they were just trying to keep it going. It was like a big moneymaker for NBC. They needed to keep the thing going. And so then there were scrambling for story ideas. And instead of actually making, I don't know, something interesting, bringing other people into the fold and said they meet this like weird. Like it was basically a friend incest. It was just like, there's only six of them. There's only so many fucking combinations that they can make up. And let's like put them all together with one another and see what comes out. Like it was just ridiculous. The only thing that I liked was that, um, Chandler and Monica got together. That made sense, but like the rest of it can just all just Speaker 2 00:10:00 Die. Wow. It was bad. First of all, all the shows with six friends, they have multiple combinations. They don't want to. No, Speaker 3 00:10:11 No, not all of them. I don't think in living single, I'm pretty sure that they didn't living single was a class. Like they didn't, they didn't like mix them all up. And that wasn't friend incest there. Yeah, you are Speaker 2 00:10:23 Correct. Yeah. I still love friends. It's Speaker 3 00:10:26 Fine. You can love it friends, but like, I'm just saying there were problems Speaker 2 00:10:29 Single too. But there were problems is like, I think maybe because friends came out at a time when I was like, what? 14 years old? And it's just, Speaker 3 00:10:37 Yeah, it's ingrained in your head. It's just, there are problems. I find that there are problems with friends inherently as a show. And like, and like, and I've said this before, but like I find that the jokes don't hold up. It's not fact funniest show. It's not like there are certain jokes in it where you're just like, oh, this is like really super, this is a great like joke writing segment or whatever. I just don't find it. I just don't find it amusing because really at the end of it, it's not really a comedy it's about relationships and fine. If you're watching it as like a relationship drama or soap opera, that's one thing. But like as a comedy, I don't think it's all that great. Speaker 2 00:11:13 I need, I need you to stop. My heart cannot take this week. That gave me joy for 10 years. Every Thursday, I can still give you joy. Just still does. It's just my opinion. That's Speaker 3 00:11:31 Just my opinion about this show. And it bothers me about it is like, it's true. It was of its time. Its jokes don't necessarily hold up like 15 years later, 17. Okay. Whatever, whatever. It was like almost 20 years basically. But like the thing is, is that, and you can say that about other shows in the nineties because they were written in their time too. But for some reason I give Seinfeld a pass more than friends because inherently Seinfeld was about shitty people, shitty people being shitty to others. And so you can almost accept the fact that they're making homophobic jokes because guess what? They're jerks, but friends, they're all supposed to be like, you know, like fairly liberal fun kind of people. And then they're making these like really bad jokes. So it's just kind of like, okay, that doesn't totally track with me. Speaker 2 00:12:25 No, you're right. Um, when I rewatched, sometimes I'll listen to a joke and I'll be like, oh my God, that is awful. Um, but you're right. But it's funny because for me, I do give them a pass and I don't know exactly why it is, but, um, it's weird because I feel, and this is going to sound stupid. Cause I'm like, what? Not young anymore. <inaudible>, you know, I'm in my forties now. And so I shouldn't be fan girling, but I really do, because I feel like with this show somehow it's, it's a part of me in a way that other shows aren't and you know, I love a lot of like, I watch a lot of TV. Like we watch a lot of TV. Oh yeah. And, and you know, we have our opinions about what shows we love and things like that. And there's some shows that I'm like, oh my God, this is me. Right. But this show it's not necessarily, this is me kind of a show. It's just such an ingrained part of my growing up. Right. And it's just one of those shows where if I'm feeling sad, if I'm feeling, you know, and I, and you're right. Like I don't think I actually listened to half the jokes even, you know, because it's more about the relationship pieces. Um, and I think Speaker 3 00:13:33 That that's why people like friends, it's not really because of the comedy because no dude. Oh no, no, Speaker 2 00:13:41 No. Look at it. Look at their hands. That was getting, it was amazing. Okay. The tannin one, I will give you that one was good. That one was good. The tanning bed was good. Or the tanning getting locked and robbed. The entire house gets re-upped Speaker 3 00:14:03 Turkey on Monica's no, that was done already. That was already done on Mr. Bean. I'm sorry. That's a, that's a recycled joke. That's yeah. That's the other thing it's like, oh, you think Speaker 2 00:14:12 That it's, we're prepared? Weren't you? You knew I was going to talk about this show today and you're like, let me Google tacky on heads. Speaker 3 00:14:20 Before I watched Mr. Bean, it was like, it was a British show. I was on CBC. It was on all the time. And like he did at first. Speaker 2 00:14:28 Oh my God. You are intent on ruin. Speaker 3 00:14:35 No, I'm sorry. I have to say it because I remember when I saw that Turkey joke on Monica, on friends, on like where we're Monica is, we're wearing the fucking Turkey. I was like, this has already been done. You can't, you're just basically recycling a joke from across the pond and trying to pass it off as your own. You plagiarists. I said it. I sat it. Oh my God. I Speaker 4 00:15:01 Flabbergasted right now. Speaker 2 00:15:04 I need a moment. Okay. And yet I'm still going to give them a pass. I used to watch Mr. Bean and somehow I didn't remember it. So Monica, I'm going to give her credit for making it memorable. Okay. So, so we'll go with that. When Speaker 3 00:15:23 She fucking did it, she just like walked around, dancing with the Turkey on her head, whatever, Speaker 2 00:15:30 Come on. Rachel's half triple half, um, Shepherd's pie. That was Speaker 3 00:15:36 The trifle, the trifle that she made, that was like part beef. That was, Speaker 2 00:15:40 That was hilarious. That was amusing. I'll tell you it was amusing. I think that's Speaker 3 00:15:46 The thing. I just find that like, if I went the Doug's the chick Janice, Janice was annoying. Dude. Janice was so fucking annoying Speaker 2 00:15:57 Episode where Monica was. Yeah. Um, to buy these really expensive boots, even though channel tells her not to. And then she buys them and she can wear them only once because they hurt her feet so much. But she refuses to admit, Speaker 3 00:16:09 I do remember this and you see the, I just feel like Speaker 2 00:16:12 That's just like, it's not, that's not even the funny joke. I need to watch it. Nice. Clean, open heart meetups. Don't watch it. I watched it the first Speaker 3 00:16:27 Time around it. Wasn't that amusing. Speaker 2 00:16:36 I, I just, I don't know if our friendship could stand this. Speaker 3 00:16:42 This might be the last episode of does this make me look fun? And then I think the other thing that bothers me about this reunion is like these Speaker 2 00:16:54 Six people were like part of our lives. Okay. There were Speaker 3 00:16:59 Part of, it sounds like they were really part of <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:17:04 Everywhere. God, I can not believe I, how did I not know this about you? Because after Speaker 3 00:17:11 Friends went off the air, Speaker 2 00:17:14 Like, I feel like we always make friends references because I get the friends references and you just never see anything I get to reference is like one of those, like sheep in Wolf's clothing things. But what you want me to say, but I Wolf in sheep's clothing, Wolf in sheep's clothing. I don't even know the right analogy here because I'm not one of them anyway. But what would I say? We make the Speaker 3 00:17:44 Reference. I understand the reference. I'm not about to be like, yeah, that's a shitty show. Speaker 2 00:17:50 Went from, I'm not opposed to seeing it too. It's a shitty show. Speaker 3 00:17:54 Well, okay. It's not quite a shitty show, but I'm just saying Paul Rudd comes on the show at the end. Yeah. Okay. Speaker 2 00:18:02 Oh God. I have like, no words today. I like Speaker 3 00:18:07 Paul Rudd. I'm like his addition to the show kind of is neither here nor there. Because once again, they jumped the shark. They jumped the shark years before. Anyway, the other problem I have with the reunion and it's like, all these like famous people are coming, like touting how amazing friends is. And it's just kind of like, you guys are basically like, I don't understand the point of it because it's just like, okay, you're all part of the same circle. And so you're all basically just telling each other how amazing you are. Like, I don't really feel the need to watch this. Speaker 2 00:18:37 Did you make this decision based on what I told you? Just now? No, pretty much. That's prejudicial. You don't know that's what the episode about maybe they have like new jokes, right? Do they though? No. Yeah. You didn't know Speaker 3 00:18:55 That, but I could. I could. It was implied. No, you can just tell it just, you could just tell, but I will tell you if they had made a completely different show, they're not different show, but if it was the same six characters and they had done like, uh, like, uh, 20 years later show. Speaker 2 00:19:13 Totally watch that. Yeah. So it's funny. You should say that, but I think for me, um, no, I probably would have watched it cause it's friends, but, um, but I am actually kind of getting tired of all those, um, w Speaker 3 00:19:26 Like remade. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Because I'm kind of like global, like how much more story is there to say kind of like the new sex in the city reboot and things like that. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:19:36 I mean, when I heard about new sex in the city reboot, like, don't get me wrong. I will watch it. And I hope it's good. Yeah. Actually, when does that come out? Speaker 3 00:19:43 Oh, I don't know. It should be coming out soon though, right? Yeah, I know. But yeah, I will definitely check it out. Um, but Speaker 2 00:19:51 I loved the original series and so I love all four characters. Like, you know, the storyline very invested in it, but I don't know if I want a reboot. Like, I'm just like, you know, it was, it served its purpose. Uh, maybe you can draw inspiration from it, like, but, and do something new, but why redo this? Whereas this one, it is so sort of like, uh, what have you been up to even though technically I knew what I was just actually, I don't know why it made me so happy just to see all of them together. Speaker 3 00:20:26 It's just like, we do know what's going on with them because so many of them, yeah. They all have careers outside of friends and it's just kind of like, okay, like, like, yeah, like I'm not really sure what this accomplishes other than, you know, they all get together to say, Hey, watch us on HBO max. So that we can make even more money on syndication. Like, I don't understand that didn't make a lot of money. Speaker 2 00:20:46 I'll be able to that feel like, right. Like for work that you've done 20 years ago, because the show came out what, 1994. So that was almost 30. Yeah. Yeah. Holy Speaker 3 00:21:01 Crap. Right now when you're making 20 million pers per episode, no, 20 million per year based off of like syndication that's right. Yeah. And now that it's on HBO, max, I'm sure they're getting a cut of that too. Right. So, so just be happy that, you know, you're helping them make even more money. Speaker 2 00:21:16 Why not? It helps Joey. Why not kidding? You know, it's funny because I would have always told you, like, when people say, well, who, your favorite character? I'm always like, oh my gosh, I love them all. Like I can't choose. Yeah. But I feel like I secretly do, oh, you love Joey. I just think he's most loyal person ever. He was the bestest friend ever. Speaker 3 00:21:42 Yeah. He was a good guy. Yeah. Like, like Speaker 2 00:21:44 That episode where he gives up eating meat for a Phoebe, because Phoebe is normally a vegetarian, but she's pregnant and she has all these cravings for beef. Right. Then he decides that he's going to give up eating meat while she's pregnant so that he can eat. Oh, sorry. So that Phoebe can eat his share. And so, so no, you animals for being stupid logic so much. It's the thought that counts. But anyway, I do adore him. He's so dumb. I don't want to protect him, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So this Speaker 3 00:22:20 Child, you basically want to protect, you think is okay for Rachel to be dating. Wasn't a grownup. Eh, okay. Whatever. I just, I just think the friend incest was just too much. Speaker 2 00:22:32 No, no. I, you know, I, I see that like, uh, which is why I think I would have been happy had Ross and Rachel not ended up together. I mean, I'm okay with Joey not ending up with her either. I really didn't want Ross and Rachel to end up together. Yeah. I feel like they Speaker 3 00:22:45 Had played out that storyline and it was just kind of like done just to make everybody kind of like, it's like all like wrapped up with a little bow, right? Like it's just, I dunno, whatever <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:22:58 Oh, God don't even show. I can't believe like it ruined it in the last 10 seconds or 30 seconds the entire 10 year run, or it wasn't one for 10 years, however many years ago, you'll like, it was on for 10 years. It was one of those. That was another one of the shows that I still love and joy, but, you know, so I totally understand your feeling about this because for me, that kind of anger for how I met your mother, because it, I can't believe it just ruined the show for me in the last 30 seconds. Yeah. Yeah. For Speaker 3 00:23:36 Sure. Oh, the other thing, the game of Thrones ending. Oh Speaker 2 00:23:40 No. The game of Thrones entire last season. Oh my God. It was awful. Yeah. And they ruined any Speaker 3 00:23:46 Goodwill that they had created from like the first, Speaker 2 00:23:49 What was amazing was like, I saw these interviews where the actors were all upset because you know, people have been giving it their all. They're like, no, dude, we're not upset with your acting. Yeah. We're upset with storylines. Yeah. You guys are fun. So stop, you know, taking on other criticism of other things it's like, not about you, isn't it always about the actors though, to them. I just felt like they gave up, right? Like the editing, like why would you not edit out a Starbucks cup? There was a water bottle underneath the, like behind the chairs. And that final circle of cheer in is like, you know, giving his speech sheet. Yeah. Uh, if you guys haven't watched game of Thrones and your guys are mad, if they were talking about it and giving away spoilers, like whatever. Speaker 3 00:24:37 No, actually don't be because we're actually saving you time. Speaker 2 00:24:42 Don't bother watching it. Nope. Honestly, I didn't in mind that even the story line, um, because I expected Denny to go mad, right? Like, um, oh, Tenaris to go mad and no, no, I Speaker 3 00:24:57 Think it's fine for Denaris to have become like, you know, the mad queen, but the problem I have with it was the, the buildup to it was so quick. She went from like semi-normal to like totally crazy. Speaker 2 00:25:09 Total crazy. Yeah. You're right. The execution. Cause I, I F I realized they were trying to wrap things up, but like, you have to figure out a pacing that works, like maybe have a couple more episodes then do you really need to wrap it up in X episodes? Like whatever. But, but it was the execution of it. Yeah, exactly. Like, I feel like some of them didn't even gave up and didn't even try like, oh, wouldn't just not care. If everything is not perfectly set up, we won't notice the cup. So the waterfall care about the editing Genesee. Speaker 3 00:25:39 I don't care about the editing, but the story fire where it was dark because oh yeah, yeah. Yes. Like Speaker 2 00:25:44 We, we were all over at your house watching it. Right. And I remember all of us are like, what's happening. See Speaker 3 00:25:51 Nothing to see. I know. And the thing is, is that like, yeah. So yeah, they are the cinematography lighting dude. Oh my God. Don't even talk about Speaker 2 00:26:00 Loss. You know, when you talk about chose that you destroyed Speaker 3 00:26:04 All your Goodwill. Yeah. Yeah. It's definitely Speaker 2 00:26:07 Does not fall in that category. Tell me that. Tell me friends is not in that category for you. I'm sorry, dude. It is really, yeah, it is. I Speaker 3 00:26:15 Think that's the reason that I just haven't bothered watching any of the old episodes. Cause it's just like, no, you had all this Goodwill and then you decided to destroy it. Actually it started, it started with the Turkey episode. I think that's what it started for me. I was just like, oh, look at this. You're you're like, you're stealing jokes from other people. And then you want to, and then you put Joey and Rachel together. I'm like, I'm done. I'm done with it. Chef Speaker 2 00:26:40 Makes it clearly we disagree on that one, but not that the other we hate. Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah. Sad. Because those, all those other shows were ones that we loved so much. Look, you invest Speaker 3 00:26:52 So much time into them and lost how many email threads. So many Speaker 2 00:26:59 What, there was six or seven of us that we would be like coming up. I read up on fricking physics laws to understand time travel. All of you probably know by now, if you're a regular listener physics and I are not friends. And I would actually read up on trying to understand the physics and behind all of this. And of course this makes sense. Speaker 3 00:27:24 I know. Or like philosophy and things like that. Yeah. It was just, it was so many countless hours LA like lost, trying to figure out lost. I know it was awful. So awful. I know. It's really funny because I remember when I watched, when I watched the series finale, I think I was one, the few people who were like, oh, okay. I think I'm happy. But then afterwards I just became irate because I think, I think it was just, they fed into that whole pulling your heartstrings type thing in the series finale. And I think it worked on me. And then later on, as I kept thinking about it, I was like, no, no, you're basically trying to Gaslight me here. Speaker 2 00:28:03 You know, it's actually funny. You should say this for me. It was sort of the opposite because I liked the last episode because of that whole thing. Like it, it did pull it, like I wanted, I needed to know that Sawyer and Juliet ended up together. I was very invested in relationships. I was very invested in that relationship Sawyer was it, for some reason I started watching the show and giveaway. I kept with it. Yeah. But, um, but it really did. I, but I was annoyed because even when I was watching it, and even as I was enjoying the last episode, I still kept saying, but no, this is an, this is the reunion episode you want to watch. Like, do they end up, like, that felt like a, where are they now? Kind of an episode. So I felt like the entire last season was disregarded because none of it mattered. Yeah. Nothing mattered from the previous seasons except the last episodes, because it's like, oh look, they all end up together, all look they're injured. Or Joel, look, you know, they're making the final journey to the other side of whatever that is, what or whatever it was. I don't even remember it anymore. Remember Speaker 3 00:29:11 The last episode anymore. I think I've kind of been raced at church. They do. I think they do end up in a church at some, some odd. Speaker 2 00:29:18 I said, I raised him. He left such a bad taste. I just erased it to my memory. And that was it. Like I was, I kept going, but are you really not going to answer this question? And are you really not gonna answer that question? Like, you're not going to give us anything like a crumb, like what the hell I know. So actually I Speaker 3 00:29:39 Usually don't end up watching shows by the two creators anymore. Really? No you have which one? Watchmen. Damon, Damon Lindelof created Watchmen and it was excellent. Excellent. Yeah. Dammit. Speaker 2 00:29:53 Clearly, I don't know. Heat fast to my principles Speaker 3 00:29:56 Learn from this mistake. Everybody was so upset about loss. Like I think he created the leftovers. Leftovers is a great show. And then he created, and he created a Watchman, which is excellent. So what's about, what's the leftovers about also the leftovers is based on a book where, um, some event hap like it's not even really a known event, but basically like 2% of the population just disappears off the face of the earth and it's about everybody who's left and they have to figure out why that happened. Like it's not even, it's not even about why that happened. It's just about their reactions to that happening. That's quite good. Interesting. Yeah. Is it which network? HBO? Oh, I have a GBO. I should check it out. Yeah. Yeah. Um, it's uh, yeah. And Carrie Coon is on in it. Like the, I don't know if you remember her anyways. She was like, uh, she played the sister on gone girl, but, um, she hurt her storylines. Interesting because like she loses her entire family, like her entire immediate family, her like husband, the kids all gone. And so like, she's one of the few people who to have lost that many, that many people and, you know, it's just kind of like how she deals with it and stuff. It's really good. Yeah. Okay. Speaker 2 00:31:13 So I did watch the Watchman, so I stand corrected, I guess I just bother looking it up, like what he's done since, but I was really upset. So I didn't think I could forgive them, but maybe, maybe it's the combination. Speaker 3 00:31:28 Oh, the combination of the two of them. You mean? Yeah. Maybe, maybe that's possible. Yeah. Lindelof learned he's he's, he's definitely, he's definitely created some interesting shows afterwards. Um, yeah. Cause the fan, well I'm sure the last fandom gave him an earful. Speaker 2 00:31:44 Yeah. This is actually funny because we started with this episode with talking about nostalgia and, and like feeling nostalgic. And I have to say like, even my hate, Speaker 3 00:31:57 Adrian, do you have for these other shows for, Speaker 2 00:32:00 You know, it's not that I have hatred for these other shows because I spent so much time watching them. Right. Yeah. But I, I just hate what happened and so much that it obliterates every other feeling associated with it. Yeah. So cause obvious security. I love like all the characters in, um, how I met your mother, for example, like marshal, a Lily pad, you know, Robin Barney, even Ted, um, Speaker 3 00:32:30 Sort of, um, yeah, no, I'm Speaker 2 00:32:32 Just joking, but you know, it's I loved the characters. I loved those episodes. And yet now I can't even do any of the rewatch is like every time an old episode comes, I'm like, no. Yeah, because you are just going to ruin it for me and you have ruined it for me. And I just don't want to be disappointed. And it's funny because I'm, but the intensity of these emotions are so strong even now, even though Speaker 3 00:32:58 It's been years, I can't even think of one how I met your mother ended. Yeah, no, it's true. Does time heal all wounds? I don't think it does. When it comes to TV shows. I don't think it does. I feel like it's a betrayal. Oh my God. I think I need to grow. Speaker 2 00:33:17 I just realized you talked about a show that's from 30 years ago. That started 30 years ago. Yes. And that ended almost 20 years ago. Yes. Speaker 3 00:33:28 Justin you're just as invested in it, just as invested in it today and I'm Speaker 2 00:33:34 Just as annoyed at you for hating it. Speaker 3 00:33:37 It's true. I didn't think I hated it. Okay. I'm going to say I don't hate it, but I'm not a big fan of it. Hi, I'm I actually am shocked because I feel like I don't understand. Speaker 2 00:33:48 I know I really don't understand, Speaker 3 00:33:50 But you know what? I think that this podcast has made me realize yeah. I've come to the realization that the betrayal of those episodes basically has made friends similar to how I met your mother for me. Speaker 2 00:34:05 I can respect that. Yeah. It hurts my feelings. That's okay. Um, I, you know, I'm, I'm going to live, forgive and forget by the principles that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even when their opinion is wrong. Speaker 3 00:34:28 Okay. I think you're still living your life through a 14 year old eyes. I Speaker 2 00:34:33 Really am. I really am guys. I just, yeah, no, but I, I do understand what you're talking about and, and, and if it is like how I met your mother for you, I totally respect it because I don't think I can ever forgive and note that show. Oh yeah. Oh, that one hurts so much. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:35:02 Actually I feel like the betrayal for how I met your mother. It's not even as bad as the betrayal that I feel through friends. I feel like it's less because at least like I could watch the whole show for how I met your mother. But like, because the betrayal for friends came in the middle, like I think it's like worse. Speaker 2 00:35:19 Really. I would've thought it would've been the other way around because please friends didn't make you waste so much time. It allowed you to, you know, cut your losses. Whereas like how I met your mother till the very end was like, what will heal? No, no, come, come Robin and Bernie, Robin and Bernie, you know? And then at the very end, and then, you know, you sort of go, oh, the girl with the yellow umbrella for Ted, can't wait to meet or you meet her. She's adorable. And um, and then in the last second, okay. She dies. Okay. Spoiler alert for how I met. This is how much I care. It's like, she dies. Okay. Oh, that's sad. But I could still live with that. Oh, but you realize who Speaker 3 00:36:08 The true love is. I know. Yeah. The kids are like Speaker 2 00:36:12 Fathers fourth, fourth to aunt Robin, premise Speaker 3 00:36:17 Of how I met your mother is messed up. Basically the whole premise of how I met your mother is a dude who's going through his sexual conquest in front of his children. It's super cool mother jumper. Speaker 2 00:36:29 I did not realize that. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:36:31 The whole premise of that show is super, just one more reason to Speaker 2 00:36:36 Hate, except don't hate Lillian Marshall ever. And Bernie and Robin, just Ted, just Ted. Okay. Speaker 3 00:36:50 Anyway, I guess the thing is, is that we do get nostalgic for shows at certain times. Like, I mean, and I find TV shows can provide quite a bit of comfort cause like I, okay, fine. I have, I clearly have this issue with friends, but I don't toward something like Brooklyn nine, nine, right. We watched Brooklyn nine, nine forever. That's a brilliant Speaker 2 00:37:12 Show. That's that's actually one of my shows that I can see, like I'm watched it, I think into end, like beginning to end, I mean, yeah. Um, two or three times, um, seeing with good place. That's another show that I really enjoy watching. Yeah. Yep. I'm like, okay, go ahead. Speaker 3 00:37:34 Today. What's happening is we're learning that I seem to have issues with many shows and she's intent on ruining them. I'm sorry. Okay. Okay. What do you have against the good place? Okay. I okay. Speaker 2 00:37:50 And Ted Danson is lovely Speaker 3 00:37:54 Person. He's a very funny person. I have nothing against Speaker 3 00:38:03 She's amazing. She is. She's really good. Um, I know Speaker 2 00:38:07 Jason Mendoza Speaker 3 00:38:09 And I've known people like <inaudible>, I'm like, oh, she's got it spot on. But anyway. Okay. So the good place I have watched the first season, multiple times rate season, I have not watched the second and third seasons. I think I've rewatched parts of the second season. Maybe a little like a few of them, but after the third season ended, I, it left a really bad taste in my mouth. And now I don't really feel like rewatching the good place, which is really Speaker 2 00:38:35 Sad. You left a bad taste in your mouth. What do you mean? Yeah. Okay. So they all ended up in the good place. What's wrong with that. Okay. You just wanted them to stay in the fat forever. Forever. Speaker 3 00:38:50 They deserve to be in the Backwoods forever. That's harsh. Okay. Okay. No, and spoiler alert for the good place. I will ruin it. So if you don't want to know what's happening in the good place, please skip ahead. I think, I feel like we're ruining a lot of shows for a lot of people. Well, yeah. Sorry. Speaker 2 00:39:06 Anyway, adults. You're all adults. Okay. Speaker 3 00:39:11 So, okay. So the premise of the good players, the fact that like we're all doing all of these sort of bad actions without knowing about it. And so according to how the current status is in the good and bad place, you have to be almost St like in order to get into the good place. Right. And Speaker 2 00:39:32 Heaven and hell concept. Yes. Heaven and hell Speaker 3 00:39:35 Fine. And then, so then, you know, we've got our plucky little upstarts who decide that this can't be right. Because, um, because people who are even trying to be good, tend to do bad, but not even tend to do bad things, but like, you can try to be a Saint in this world, for example, but end up doing bad things. Because I don't know, like the, the systems, again, the system's against you because whatever you buy, you don't know how many, uh, you don't know what the machinations are, are around creating a product for you. And so if you buy a product, you might be, I don't know, like supporting genocide in a country or like, um, you know, like destroying like the Amazon without knowing it, you know, like whatever. Right. Okay. That's fine. I think the problem that I have with it is that, so yeah. So then our plucky little upstarts to say that this is not right. People should be judged based on like what they're trying to do with their lives. And what should happen is that people who end up in the bad place should be allowed multiple chances in order to learn to be good because humans are good because humans will always try to better themselves and they should be rewarded for trying to better themselves. Correct? Yes. Okay. So Speaker 2 00:40:47 Just see where you're going with this. What is this? This Speaker 3 00:40:51 Is the problem I have with the show. So if you think about it, what's actually happening is that they are living lives multiple times, which is actually the premise of reincarnation, which is, which is the whole premise of Hinduism and Buddhism. And by the time they finish their, you know, learning what they need to do in order to become good people, right. Then they end up in the good place, which is Nirvana. That's what happens in Hinduism and Buddhism is that you reincarnate and you continue to learn from your, from your like lives until you actually reach enlightenment. And then that's when you go to the good place. So I think this is what bothers me about the show. It's like a white guy trying to pass off reincarnation, which has already been fucking invented by brown people as like part of the show as like, oh, look what I've created. And it's like, no, you haven't, if you fucking hell up there, oh my God don't even get me started. So I can't watch the show. I'm just like, okay, I can't, I just can't watch the show. Speaker 2 00:41:57 Wow. That was intense. Yeah. I think you're just in 1,000 winning every show. I love maybe. I'm sorry. I know, but I am shocked. I never equated that. Like I like, as you went, okay, sorry. Clearly I'm flabbergasted yet again. Um, I had no, like I never thought about it in the term of like, I guess I just didn't realize, and I don't know enough about Hinduism in order to know that that is the process. Like that is what happens at the end. I just, just, I just didn't know much about it. Yeah. So that's Speaker 3 00:42:37 The thing it's like, so in Hinduism, like incarnation is a part of it because in this life you're trying to learn all you can because what in your next life you're going, you're trying to be better. And you're trying to continuously improve on yourself in order to get to that point of enlightenment. And so I think, yeah. So anyway, so the good places now ruined, sorry. Okay. I feel like I need to want some water. Maybe you need some water. Speaker 2 00:43:12 You know, usually when I used to get upset, my dad used to always say, do you want to, do you think that that would like cool you down? So I'm like, I'm like, oh my God, she's Irene, Speaker 3 00:43:30 Do you need a glass of water? I'm good. I just don't need to think about the good place. Speaker 2 00:43:36 So. Okay. So now I, I don't know how I'll react next to my secret place. That show though. But I know now I'm, I'm a little bit like yeah. Speaker 3 00:43:46 Kind of troubled by it. I know. And I think that's why, like the first season is fine for actually I don't even know, but the thing is, is that now the whole thing is wrecked. So I don't think I can even go back to the first season because I really enjoyed the first season. Like when it was like, when it had come out and you know, while we're waiting for the other season, I would rewatch the first season all the time. But yeah. Now the whole thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Speaker 2 00:44:06 Wow. Yeah. I'm almost afraid to bring up another show that I liked just in case you made that one too. Okay. So Brooklyn nine, nine. Thank God you can't ruin that one for me. Speaker 3 00:44:20 Yeah. Oh yeah. You can like new girl. I might. I'm kind of different to new girl. Speaker 2 00:44:26 Yeah. So Schmidt like nothing. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:44:28 Schmidt's great, man. God, I know. I love CC. I love Winston Speaker 2 00:44:34 <inaudible> coach. Oh yeah, yeah. Speaker 3 00:44:40 Yes. Oh my God. Happy endings. I love her friends again. Speaker 2 00:44:47 I was seriously starting to worry because I felt like, oh my God, I don't know if we're going to be friends after this episode. Speaker 3 00:44:55 Like a rift that would never, ever like look clearly Speaker 2 00:44:58 Because I mean, you know, we're grown women in our forties who are passionately debating the imaginary characters in shows from like 30 years ago. Um, like if I, if it weren't me, I would be worried about the person, but Speaker 3 00:45:16 Yes. So happy endings is a show that I will rewatch Speaker 2 00:45:21 Multiple. That was a brilliant show. Okay. So glad we agree on that one. Yes. And recreation. Speaker 3 00:45:26 Awesome. Indifferent. Don't know why it's so Speaker 2 00:45:28 Funny. Especially second season on it Speaker 3 00:45:31 Is funny. I don't know. I just don't really feel the need to watch parks and rec weirdly. I don't know why. Oh my God. Leslie nopes is helpful. Speaker 2 00:45:39 All hilarious. Rob Lowe. Oh, Rob. Lowe's hilarious. I did not know that he was that funny. Neither did I. Yeah. And, um, Aubrey Aubrey Plaza. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. I love her and Nicole from it. So funny. Oh, they're all amazing show. Like every character is hilarious. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:46:00 I don't know why. I don't feel the need to watch parks and rec. I am. I have no pro actually I have no problem with parks and rec at all. It's just, yeah. I don't know. Maybe I have to, maybe I need to just like, watch it again. Just to see, I think it's just, yeah, I think it's because happy endings was on when parks and rec was on. And so my heart is really with happy endings, even though it was canceled way, way before. Speaker 2 00:46:20 Um, it really was, uh, it should have lasted a lot longer. Yeah. One show that I'm glad lasted. I feel like it was just right. Like just long enough. Yeah. But, um, um, and, and I've already watched it a couple of times, so, you know, um, it's a shit's Creek. Speaker 3 00:46:35 Oh shit. Oh, I love Schitt's Creek. It's so sweet. Speaker 2 00:46:38 It is adorable. Yeah. Um, so yeah, so those are, but, but not, not to piss you off again, but usually when I'm like, you know, working or doing something stuff around the house. And if I have to throw episodes of something on, like, it's usually still friends and I think it's still going to be friends. It's usually friends law and order SVU. There is no interview Speaker 3 00:47:04 That those are, I feel like those are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Speaker 2 00:47:08 Oh, I know. I can see it was all these streaming algorithms all the time. It was dark. It's not as dark as my other show criminal minds. Oh, Speaker 3 00:47:19 Okay. Okay. I've never, well, I think, I think I've only watched one episode of criminal minds with you and it wasn't even the whole episode. It was just like half an episode Speaker 2 00:47:27 Where you traumatized. Speaker 3 00:47:29 No, because we only ended up it was the, it was only towards the end, so, you know. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think it was that trial. Speaker 2 00:47:35 Yeah. But those, those, um, law and order SVU that even that soundtrack, I find it soothing. Speaker 3 00:47:42 Oh yeah, yeah. No, no. It's like, it's the law and order soundtrack. It's on all of the law and orders. It's amazing. Speaker 2 00:47:48 So, so yeah, so with that and you know, I'll be there for <inaudible> they, the, both of those are usually playing in the background, uh, when I'm like not paying attention, but then I'll just tune in and catch it. Catch a scene. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I'm, single-handedly contributing to where it's their 20 million patients. So every year I'm sure they thank you for it. Yeah. Every Christmas and special postcards in the man for number one fan. Speaker 3 00:48:27 Oh my goodness. No, it's okay. I mean, yeah. I just, I feel like I've learned a lot about myself through this podcast. I didn't realize that I had this. It's funny. It's funny because I, I always thought I was kind of indifferent to friends, but I clearly have very, very deep seated feelings about Speaker 2 00:48:43 It, finding it so shocking. Like we've been friends for so long now. And granted, we became friends after the show ended, but long enough that I feel like, you know, cause like, especially Taz and I, yeah. We're always making friends references and friends jokes and you know, you've never said a word, Speaker 3 00:49:05 What am I supposed to see in Speaker 2 00:49:09 Sheep's clothing, clothing, whatever it is. Well, since I've never been one, I don't know the correct term. Speaker 3 00:49:22 I know. Let's see. I didn't even realize that I had such like deep seated feelings about the good place either. I, I just, I hadn't been watching it. And now that I'm thinking about it, I'm like, that's why I haven't been watching it because it, Speaker 2 00:49:33 No, and that's fair. That's very fair reason. I mean, you know, like if you feel like you're, you know, view philosophy or something has co-opted Speaker 3 00:49:43 I think, yeah. That's the problem. I feel like it's been co-opted and nobody has mentioned it. I'm like, why aren't people up in arms about this because this person is co-opted entire fucking religion. Anyway. I think that's the other part about the good place, because it, it pretends like all the religions are like equally wrong, but then at the end he chooses Buddhism and Hinduism as like the way to enlightenment. So it was just like, okay. That's hypocritical anyway. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:50:18 I don't know enough about either one of those religions to make a comment here. Speaker 4 00:50:24 Oh yeah. But wow. Speaker 3 00:50:28 Yeah. I'm learning a lot about myself today. Learning a lot about you as well. Speaker 2 00:50:35 Send it on our WhatsApp group guys. Did you know, she hated friends <inaudible> no, it is something that I actually, um, I do respect, you know, you're right. To that reaction. It's the Turkey episode, man. That's how you ended it. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. You know, it's funny because I didn't read, remember, I don't like, I used to watch Mr. Bean as a kid, but I do not remember that, um, episode, I guess. Um, I probably he's like, Speaker 3 00:51:09 He's like literally stumbling around the house with a Turkey on his head or you could forget this. Speaker 2 00:51:18 Yeah, no, it's been a while since I've watched, uh, Mr. Bean. So I should probably rewatch it. He was funny. Yeah. Yeah. Mr. Beam goes on holiday. Speaker 3 00:51:26 Yeah. I know. I think that what I liked about that, like it's interesting because they're, they're quite, they're fairly old. Those, those episodes, speaking of nostalgia, you're just like, you're, you're basically walking down a memory. You don't walking down memory lane for us and TV shows, but anyway. Yeah. So Mr. Bean was a fairly old show, but like, I think because the jokes are mainly silent and it's all physical comedy, I think they could potentially stand the test of time. Speaker 2 00:51:51 I'm sure. Yeah. Yeah. No, Roman Atkinson was a brilliant actor. Um, oh, he is. He is still alive. Oh my God. No, I just like, it's been a rough week. So I just, I was like, oh my God. Like, if anything can go wrong, something would happen to Rowan Atkinson. I hope not. He's a national international treasure actually. Exactly. Yeah. No, I think, wow. Like I I'm at a loss for words today actually, because I feel like I was in shock with a number of your reactions. I'm still processing what you've said. Um, cause now I don't know how I should feel about some of these things. You can watch Schitt's Creek and happy endings in peace and Brooklyn nine, nine Brooklyn nine, nine. Yes. Thank God. They're too new right now to actually qualify for nostalgia. Right. Like I feel like how long does it have to be before you can correctly say, you know that it's not that you're <inaudible> for Speaker 3 00:53:00 It. Well, seven year olds are nostalgic for their days gone by. Speaker 2 00:53:04 So I think that it's, I don't think that there's a time limit on that case, you know, Schitt's Creek makes the cut, Speaker 3 00:53:16 Oh gosh, Cappy endings would definitely make the cut because the show has been canceled. And so, you know, and it was like, and I think it ended like in the early 2000 tens. So I think that counts like that's, that's a good 10 Speaker 2 00:53:29 Years. That's a good 10 years. Yeah. Wow. It feels like yesterday. It feels like yesterday. Yeah. Um, cause I really, yeah, I don't, I didn't realize it had been about 10 years since attended, but um, but now I'm going to have to go back and rewatch some of these, uh, shows again, um, and also probably rewatch few of my favorite friends episodes to erase, erase its bad tastes. Speaker 3 00:53:56 Anyway. So thank you for, um, joining us on this episode of, uh, does this make me look old? Yeah. As you can tell we're TV we're total TV nerds. So you can hit us up on social. You can add me if you want, because of my, less than stellar reviews, they can't ask you. I know they can't ask me. This is what I'm saying. They can technically at me because I'll be adding me Speaker 2 00:54:25 Pretty much because I'm not really on Twitter, so Speaker 3 00:54:30 Yeah. But uh, yeah. I'll email her. Yeah. So you could email us, does this make me look [email protected]. Um, find us on Facebook and Twitter. You can find us on our website at, does this make me look old.com? Speaker 2 00:54:49 We are very creative with our names. So creative. Just get ourselves to repeat this face over and over and over and over again. So basically Speaker 4 00:55:00 Where everywhere. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:55:03 Um, yeah, so yeah, so basically come find us. Um, we would love to hear from you and um, yeah. And I guess we'll see you next week. Bye bye.

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